CLIL-SI, Content and Language Integrated Learning in Second Language Acquisition Project (CLILSLA) Research Group, is a collaborative working team formed by primary and secondary school teachers and University lecturers -- specialists on language or content teaching -- that carry out in the classroom research projects about Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) programmes, particularly in partial immersion programs or Semi-Immersió (SI) in foreign languages. The aim of the CLIL-SI collaborative research is to improve our understanting of the implications of learning academic contents in multilingual environments, so that it is possible to elaborate and evaluate teaching proposals aimed to achieve a comprehensive linguistic education, integrated and inclusive for the classrooms, for contents as well as languages. CLIL-SI works closely with the consolidated research group GREIP.

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4 p, 19.2 KB Tutorización de profesores AICLE en la universidad : una propuesta para enfrentarse al cambio / Zayas Martínez, Francisco (Universidad de Cádiz) ; Contero Urgal, Candela (Universidad de Cádiz. Centro Superior de Lenguas Modernas) ; Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL (2a : 2012 : Bellaterra, Catalunya)
TRICLIL proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education, 2012, p. 306-309  
5 p, 23.1 KB Classroom experiences: a comparison of CLIL in secondary and higher education / Walsh, Mary Louise (Escola Universitària de la Salut i l'Esport) ; Oliva Girbau, Àngels (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) ; Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL (2a : 2012 : Bellaterra, Catalunya)
TRICLIL proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education, 2012, p. 301-305  
5 p, 27.9 KB Más allá de la canción : propuestas musicales para la enseñanza-aprendizaje en clase de lengua extranjera / Viladot, Laia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de l'Expressió Musical, Plàstica i Corporal) ; Casals Ibañez, Albert (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Didàctica de l'Expressió Musical, Plàstica i Corporal) ; Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL (2a : 2012 : Bellaterra, Catalunya)
TRICLIL proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education, 2012, p. 296-300  
4 p, 24.5 KB L'hort. The vegetable garden / Vendrell i Vila, Fina (Col·legi Sant Josep de Navàs) ; Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL (2a : 2012 : Bellaterra, Catalunya)
TRICLIL proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education, 2012, p. 292-295  
4 p, 24.9 KB A CLIL proposal for teaching-learning of electromagnetic radiation in the subject 'sciences for contemporary world' at high school / Tortosa Moreno, Montserrat (INS Ferran Casablancas, Sabadell) ; Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL (2a : 2012 : Bellaterra, Catalunya)
TRICLIL proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education, 2012, p. 288-291  
5 p, 28.5 KB Promoting plurilingualism in the foreign language classroom through the use of pupils' home languages / Sugranyes Ernest, Caterina (Universitat Ramon Llull) ; Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL (2a : 2012 : Bellaterra, Catalunya)
TRICLIL proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education, 2012, p. 283-287  
4 p, 21.2 KB From genotype to phenotype: a teacher-led explanation, whole-class experience in an upper-secondray CLIL science classroom / Simon Auerbach, Jill (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL (2a : 2012 : Bellaterra, Catalunya)
TRICLIL proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education, 2012, p. 279-282  
4 p, 19.5 KB Estratègies per ensenyar en català a la universitat fomentant el plurilingüisme / Serra i Casals, Enric (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Servei de Llengües) ; Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL (2a : 2012 : Bellaterra, Catalunya)
TRICLIL proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education, 2012, p. 275-278  
5 p, 23.5 KB Psicologia en llengua anglesa al batxillerat / Sanllehí i Ubach, Josep (Institut Pau Vila, Sabadell) ; Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL (2a : 2012 : Bellaterra, Catalunya)
TRICLIL proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education, 2012, p. 270-274  
5 p, 23.4 KB Implantant un projecte AICLE, implicant tot l'institut / Rubies, Joan (Institut Domènech Perramon (Arenys de Munt)) ; Zurita i Món, Sílvia (Institut Domènech Perramon (Arenys de Munt)) ; Taula Rodona Internacional TRI-CLIL (2a : 2012 : Bellaterra, Catalunya)
TRICLIL proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher education, 2012, p. 265-269