A one-dimensional Keller-Segel equation with a drift issued from the boundary
Calvez, Vincent
Meunier, Nicolas
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

Publicación: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica 2010
Descripción: 9 p.
Resumen: We investigate in this note the dynamics of a one-dimensional Keller-Segel type model on the half-line. On the contrary to the classical configuration, the chemical production term is located on the boundary. We prove, under suitable assumptions, the following dichotomy which is reminiscent of the two-dimensional Keller-Segel system. Solutions are global if the mass is below the critical mass, they blow-up in finite time above the critical mass, and they converge to some equilibrium at the critical mass. Entropy techniques are presented which aim at providing quantitative convergence results for the subcritical case. This note is completed with a brief introduction to a more realistic model (still one-dimensional).
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Lengua: Anglès
Colección: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. Prepublicacions
Colección: Prepublicacions del Centre de Recerca Matemàtica ; 940
Documento: Article ; Prepublicació ; Versió de l'autor
Materia: Límits, Teoremes (Teoria de probabilitats) ; Equacions

9 p, 154.5 KB

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