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Artículos, Encontrados 1 registros
Artículos Encontrados 1 registros  
21 p, 217.5 KB Naturaleza y paisaje en la estética de Shaftesbury / Llorens Moreno, Núria (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Art i de Musicologia)
En este artículo llevo a cabo un estudio de la filosofía de la naturaleza de Shaftesbury (1671- 1713), con el objetivo de analizar las ideas que se hallan en la base de su concepción estética del mundo natural. [...]
In this article I study Shaftesbury's philosophy of nature with the aim to analyze the ideas that are at the basis of his aesthetic conception of the natural world. In the first part of the article I examine the meaning and function of his theistic vison of the universe in relation to the british religious and cultural context of early eightenth-century. [...]

2006 - 10.5565/rev/locus.175
Locus amoenus, N. 8 (2005-2006) p. 349-369  

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