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Artículos, Encontrados 1 registros
Artículos Encontrados 1 registros  
18 p, 1.2 MB Los hechos de comer y beber en la fraseología y la paremiología de Jordania : un estudio analítico / Sharab, Moayad (Universidad de Jordania)
El objetivo primordial que trata de conseguir el autor mediante el presente artículo es demostrar la riqueza de la fraseología relacionada con los hechos de comer y beber en el dialecto árabe de Jordania. [...]
The main goal of the author through this article is to demonstrate the richness of phraseology, related to eating and drinking in the Arabic dialect of Jordan. Based on the irrefutable reality of language as a faithful reflection of the culture, this work aims to reflect the way in which the Jordanians perceive the surrounding world through the habits, customs and rituals related to food and drink and social and cultural issues related to it. [...]

Language design : journal of theoretical and experimental linguistics, Vol. 16 (2014) , p. 23-40  

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