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Articles, 1 registres trobats
Articles 1 registres trobats  
9 p, 132.5 KB Smash (co)products and skew pairings / Alonso Álvarez, J. N. ; Fernández Vilaboa, J. M.. ; González Rodríguez, R.
Let [tau] be an invertible skew pairing on (B,H), where B and H are Hopf algebras in a symmetric monoidal category C with (co)equalizers. Assume that H is quasitriangular. Then we obtain a new algebra structure such that B is a Hopf algebra in the braided category HHYD and there exists a Hopf algebra isomorphism w: B[infinity]H --> B [tau]H in C, where B[infinity]H is a Hopf algebra with (co)algebra structure the smash (co)product and B [tau] H is the Hopf algebra defined by Doi and Takeuchi.
2001 - 10.5565/PUBLMAT_45201_09
Publicacions matemàtiques, V. 45 N. 2 (2001) , p. 467-475  

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