Resultados globales: 3 registros encontrados en 0.01 segundos.
Artículos, Encontrados 3 registros
Artículos Encontrados 3 registros  
22 p, 2.8 MB Combining multi-OMICs information to identify key-regulator genes for pleiotropic effect on fertility and production traits in beef cattle / Fonseca, Pablo Augusto de Souza (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Departamento de Biologia Geral) ; Id-Lahoucine, Samir (University of Guelph. Department of Animal Biosciences) ; Reverter, Antonio (CSIRO Agriculture and Food. Queensland Bioscience Precinct) ; Medrano, Juan F. (University of California-Davis. Department of Animal Science) ; Fortes, Marina S. (The University of Queensland. School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences) ; Casellas Vidal, Joaquim (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments) ; Miglior, Filippo (Canadian Dairy Network) ; Brito, Luiz (University of Guelph. Department of Animal Biosciences) ; Carvalho, Maria Raquel S. (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Departamento de Biologia Geral) ; Schenkel, Flavio S (University of Guelph. Department of Animal Biosciences) ; Nguyen, Loan T. (The University of Queensland. School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences) ; Porto-Neto, Laercio R. (CSIRO Agriculture and Food. Queensland Bioscience Precinct) ; Thomas, Milton G. (Colorado State University. Department of Animal Science) ; Cánovas, Angela (University of Guelph. Department of Animal Biosciences)
The identification of biological processes related to the regulation of complex traits is a difficult task. Commonly, complex traits are regulated through a multitude of genes contributing each to a small part of the total genetic variance. [...]
2018 - 10.1371/journal.pone.0205295
PloS one, Vol. 13 (october 2018)  
13 p, 3.1 MB Sheep genome functional annotation reveals proximal regulatory elements contributed to the evolution of modern breeds / Naval-Sanchez, Marina (CSIRO. Agriculture and Food) ; Nguyen, Quan (CSIRO. Agriculture and Food) ; McWilliam, Sean (CSIRO. Agriculture and Food) ; Porto-Neto, Laercio R. (CSIRO. Agriculture and Food) ; Tellam, Ross (CSIRO. Agriculture and Food) ; Vuocolo, Tony (CSIRO. Agriculture and Food) ; Reverter, Antonio (CSIRO. Agriculture and Food) ; Perez-Enciso, Miguel (Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica) ; Brauning, Rudiger (AgResearch Ltd. Invermay Agricultural Centre) ; Clarke, Shannon (AgResearch Ltd. Invermay Agricultural Centre) ; McCulloch, Alan (AgResearch Ltd. Invermay Agricultural Centre) ; Zamani, Wahid (Tarbiat Modares University. Department of Environmental Sciences) ; Naderi, Saeid (University of Guilan. Natural Resources Faculty) ; Rezaei, Hamid Reza (Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Environmental Science Department) ; Pompanon, Francois (Université Grenoble Alpes. Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine) ; Taberlet, Pierre (Université Grenoble Alpes. Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine) ; Worley, Kim C. (Baylor College of Medicine. Human Genome Sequencing Center. Department of Human and Molecular Genetics) ; Gibbs, Richard A. (Baylor College of Medicine. Human Genome Sequencing Center. Department of Human and Molecular Genetics) ; Muzny, Donna M. (Baylor College of Medicine. Human Genome Sequencing Center. Department of Human and Molecular Genetics) ; Jhangiani, Shalini N. (Baylor College of Medicine. Human Genome Sequencing Center. Department of Human and Molecular Genetics) ; Cockett, Noelle (Utah State University) ; Daetwyler, Hans (La Trobe University. School of Applied Systems Biology) ; Kijas, James (CSIRO. Agriculture and Food)
Domestication fundamentally reshaped animal morphology, physiology and behaviour, offering the opportunity to investigate the molecular processes driving evolutionary change. Here we assess sheep domestication and artificial selection by comparing genome sequence from 43 modern breeds (Ovis aries) and their Asian mouflon ancestor (O. [...]
2018 - 10.1038/s41467-017-02809-1
Nature communications, Vol. 9 Núm. 859 (2018)  
5 p, 1.9 MB Hipoparatiroidismo primario idiopático felino. Caso clínico / Porto, R. (Clínica Veterinaria El Mayorazgo (La Orotava, Canàries)) ; Sunyer, I. (Serveis, Urgències i Referència Veterinàries Diagonal (Barcelona)) ; Gil, V. (Serveis, Urgències i Referència Veterinàries Diagonal (Barcelona)) ; Pulido, I. (Centre Mèdic Veterinari Castelló (Castelló de la Plana, País Valencià))
Se describe un caso clínico de hipoparatiroidismo primario idiopático, en un gato macho de 2 años y medio de edad, que se presentó en nuestro hospital con un cuadro de anorexia, temblores, cambio de comportamiento, agresividad y alteraciones neurológicas. [...]
Clínica veterinaria de pequeños animales, Vol. 25, Núm. 4 (2005) , p. 226-  

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