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David Rosenthal (New York, 1945-1992) was one of the most eminent translators of Catalan into English. Poet, essayist, music critic, Rosenthal came to Barcelona for the first time in the early 70s. The readings of the history of the country and direct contact with many Catalan writers led Rosenthal to know first-hand some of the most important poets and storytellers of the twentieth century. He translated works of Rodoreda, Perucho, Juan Sales, Estellés, Foix, Ferrater, Pere Quart, Víctor Català and poems by many authors collected in several anthologies. It is from this knowledge that books such as Banderes al vent, a description of Barcelona between the wars, came out. We already have at your disposal the scanned notebooks containing the manuscript of the translation of Tirant lo Blanc, one of the best known and valued translations, and the written texts of Incerta glòria by Joan Sales, El carrer de les camèlies by Mercè Rodoreda, Les històries naturals by Joan Perucho, Les nits que van fent la nit by Vicent Andrés Estellés and Solitud by Víctor Català. There would also be available other documents from diverse sources, including the correspondence with various Catalan writers and even his private correspondence. It is really a valuable documentation in order to observe the mechanisms of translation, as it allows to see the corrections he made and the choice of different words. The collection also contains copies of editions of his works and translations.