Personal and institutional archives
The UAB libraries have received significant donations of materials from intellectuals and scholars from various fields of knowledge, both within and outside the university community. These donations encompass a diverse range of materials, including personal correspondence, private book collections, and newspaper clippings. As a result, they have primarily given rise to distinct collections, some of which may have specific access restrictions.

In certain cases, portions or the entirety of these collections have been digitized, and these digital copies are stored within this repository. In other instances, the original documents are preserved in their physical format within the library holdings. For more detailed information about these resources, please refer to our website.
Usage statistics Most popular
Narrow by collection:
Jordi Arbonès (1,230)
Jordi Arbonès professional activities (23) Jordi Arbonès correspondence (591) Jordi Arbonès dedications (217) Jordi Arbonès personal and family documents (3) Jordi Arbonès photos (11) Jordi Arbonès, creative works (198) Jordi Arbonès Creative works of others (37) Jordi Arbonès recognition and criticism (150)
Maria Dolores Baucells (152)
María Dolores Baucells, articles (45) María Dolores Baucells, contributions to meetings and conferences (56) María Dolores Baucells, research literature  (21) María Dolores Baucells, course materials (31)
Jordi Bigues - Archive Palomares (380)
Pere Calders (3,883)
Pere Calders, professional activities  (31) Pere Calders, audio (5) Pere Calders, correspondence  (784) Pere Calders, personal and family documentation (50) Pere Calders photographs  (1,007) Pere Calders, creative work  (1,836) Pere Calders, recognition and criticism (159) Pere Calders, video (11)
Jaume Camps (553)
Jaume Camps, professional activity  (191) Jaume Camps, notes (190) Jaume Camps, conferences (36) Jaume Camps, personal and family documents  (11) Jaume Camps, photographs (92) Jaume Camps, illustrations  (33)
Lluís Capdevila i Vilallonga (81)
Xavier Fàbregas (564)
Digital Archive of Meat (MCD) (74) Slaughterhouses Digital Memory - Veterinary Inspection (SDM-VI) (82) Veterinary Ethnology Digital Archive (MDEV)  (68) Poplar Digital Archive (MDP) (6) Animal Production Digital Archive (MDPA)  (66) Rural Life Digital Archive (MDVR)  (27) Forestry Digital Archive (MFD)  (40) Gastronomy Digital Archive (MGD) (48) America (4) Hunting (11) Hides, skins and fur (29) Dogs (11) Traditional pig slaughter (23) Heritage (52) Fishing products (2) Fighting bull (6) Trichinella (11) Xavier Fàbregas i Comadran, course materials de curs (6)
Farreras Family Collection (0)
Journalism Collection of Josep Maria Figueres i Artigues (412)
José Agustín Goytisolo (7,789)
José Agustín Goytisolo audio (118) José Agustín Goytisolo correspondence (3,923) José Agustín Goytisolo, dedications (209) José Agustín Goytisolo, personal and family documents (36) José Agustín Goytisolo, professional documentation (107) José Agustín Goytisolo, photographs (216) José Agustín Goytisolo, creative work (1,973) José Agustín Goytisolo, creative work of others (98) José Agustín Goytisolo, recognition and criticism (1,049) José Agustín Goytisolo videos (60)
Bernard Lesfargues (529)
Bernard Lesfargues, audiovisual (3) Bernard Lesfargues, correspondence (525) Bernat Lesfargues, creative works of others (1)
Antoni Lloret (254)
José Mallorquí (1)
Josep M. Millàs i Vallicrosa (178)
Jesús Moncada (25)
Jesús Moncada, drawings (25)
Ramón Ortiz Fornaguera  (429)
Ramón Ortiz Fornaguera. Correspondence (298) Ramón Ortiz Fornaguera. Documents (83) Ramón Ortiz Fornaguera. Original works (48)
Pedro Pascual (3,346)
Pedro Pascual, notes (43) Pedro Pascual correspondence (3,303)
Jaume Roca (319)
Jaume Roca, activitat professional (50) Jaume Roca, documentació d'arxiu (230) Jaume Roca, congressos (32) Jaume Roca, documentació personal i familiar (7)
David Rosenthal (6)
Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer (1,159)
Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer correspondence (1,159)
Rafael Tasis (303)
Rafael Tasis, creative work (303)
Miquel Tomàs Ondiviela  (263)
Cristina Vicente (213)
Radio Barcelona scripts (29)
Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu (4,994)
Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, administration  (687) Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, posters (16) Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, management of the Institution (159) Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, technical documentation (282) Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, scenographies (234) Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, photographs (31) Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, librettos  (60) Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, scores (1,195) Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, programs of the opera performances (2,330)