UAB Research Centres and Groups (Research output)
Needs and advantages of promoting research dissemination through open Access have brought about, within the framework of present Spanish law and accordingly to European guidelines, UAB’s approval in 2012 of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Open Access Institutional Policy, updated in 2022. It proposes a permanent, free, unrestricted access to scientific contents aiming to favour accessibility, visibility and research impact. The UAB Digital Repository of Documents (DDD) is compatible with European guidelines and complies with the requirements of European projects carried out at UAB.
This collections aims to give visibility to UAB research groups' outputs. If you want to include your research group in this collection, please contact your library to get information on the procedure to follow.
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Arts and Humanities (2,229)
Centre d'Estudis sobre dictadures i democràcies (CEDID-UAB) (463) Center for Theoretical Linguistics (CLT) (97) CLIL-SI. Semiimmersió en llengua estrangera a l'aula inclusiva (119) CORE in Cultural Heritage (68) Grup d'estudi de la literacitat en l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de segones llengües i traducció (GELEA2LT) (37) Study Group on Republic and Democracy (GERD) (56) Group for the Study of Egypt and the Near East in Antiquity (GEEPOA) (15) Història del conflicte a l'Antiguitat (43) Research Group in Chinese-Catalan/Spanish Translation and Interpreting (TXICC) (123) Grup de recerca Tradumàtica (157) MIRAS (Mediació i Interpretació: Recerca en l'Àmbit Social) (149) PACTE (Process of Acquisition of Translation Competence and Evaluation)  (82) REICIT, Recerca en Estudis Interculturals i Traducció  (42) TransMedia Catalonia  (846)
Experimental sciences (8,501)
CREAF (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) (1,438) CRAG (Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics) (682) Group in Electrochemistry, Photochemistry and Organic Reactivity (GEFRO) (90) Group of Smart Nanoengineered Materials, Nanomechanics and Nanomagnetism (Gnm3) (225) Grupo de Investigación Métodos y Aplicaciones en Teledetección y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (GRUMETS) (128) GSD (Dynamical systems) (1,138) Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) (1,788) Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP) (609) Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA) (1,818) Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE)  (295) Institut d'Història de la Ciència (IHC) (323) The ALBA Synchrotron (172) Synthesis of Bioactive Organic Compounds and Functional Materials (SynOrgFUN) (71)
Engineering (586)
CIMITEC-UAB (131) Combinatorics, Coding and Security Group (CCSG) (49) Smart and sustainable cities CORE  (8) GENOCOV (107) Group on Interactive Coding of Images (GICI) (47) The Reliability of Electron Devices and Circuits group (REDEC)  (26) Composting Research Group (GICOM) (183) HPC4EAS (High Performance Computing for Efficient Applications and Simulation Research Group) (11) Security of Networks and Distributed Applications (SENDA) (32)
Health sciences and biosciences (8,865)
Digital Library on Food Sovereignty (BDSA-ARAG) (522) Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA-IRTA) (409) Chemical Ecology and Toxicology Lab  (26) Strategic Research Community in Mental Health (CORE) (44) Fundació Salut i Envelliment UAB (35) Avedis Donabedian Research Institute-UAB (60) GIES (Grup de Recerca en Estrès i Salut) (95) Teaching Innovation Group at the Faculty of Veterinary (InnoVet) (24) Grupo de investigación Laboratorio Humano (Grupo LabHumàUAB) (17) Grup de Recerca Malalties infeccioses-inflamatòries en animals de companyia (MIAC) (146) Grupo de Investigación en Rumiantes (G2R)  (86) Research group on Psychosocial Risks, Organization of Work, and Health (POWAH) (19) Veterinary Mycology Group (35) Research group Epidemiology and Diagnosis in Psychopathology of Development (UED)  (89) Research group Wildlife Ecology & Health (144) Institut de Biotecnologia i de Biomedicina (IBB) (815) Institut de Recerca Sant Pau (3,292) Institut d'Investigació en Ciencies de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) (2,144) Parc Taulí Research and Innovation Institute (I3PT (790) Institut de Neurociències (INc) (598) Unitat de Patologia Murina i Comparada (66) Workshop MRAMA (199)
Social and Legal Sciences  (7,689)
Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT) (903) The Research Centre for Science and Mathematics Education (CRECIM) (140) Center for Research and Studies for Organizational Development (CRiEDO) (551) The Department of Communication and Education (305) Eficàcia de la Formació (EFI) (39) Globalisation, Education and Social Policies (GEPS) (187) GREDICS (Research Group on Social Sciences Education)  (119) Centre for Demographic Studies (CED-CERCA) (1,430) Gresc@ (Research Group on Education for Sustainability, School and Community) (51) GRISS (Grup de Recerca en Imatge, So i Síntesi / Grupo de Investigación en Imagen, Sonido y Síntesis) (243) Group of Studies on Immigration and Ethnic Minorities (GEDIME) (203) DCEI Research Group (15) Daniel Jones Research Group in Communication Structure and Policies​ (47) Antigona Research Group (71) Applied Geography Research Group (326) Research Group Rights of Spanish and Foreign Workers (DRELATES) (89) Research Group Education and Work (GRET) (296) Research Group on Fundamental and Oriented Anthropology (GRAFO) (117) Local Communication Research Group (LOCALCOM) (112) Sound, Strategic and Transparency Communication Research Group (ComSET) (9) Desistance and Reentry Policies research group (39) Criminal Law Group and New Trends in Criminal Policy  (25) Research group for Education, Interaction and plurilingualism (GREIP) (53) Research Group on Psychology, Communication & Advertising (PCA) (83) Advertising and Public Relations Research Group (GRP)  (101) Grup de Recerca en Infància i Adolescència en Risc Social (IARS)  (59) GSADI Analytical Sociology & Institutional Design (49) Institute of Political and Social Sciences (ICPS) (448) Institute of Law and Technology (IDT)  (242) Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas (IGOP) (391) Sports Research Institute (IRE) (12) InCom-UAB – the Institute of Communication at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (653) ISOR (Research in Sociology of Religion) (137) Laboratory of Instrumental Analysis of the Communication (LAICOM) (74) Laboratory of Journalism and Communication for the Plural Citizenship - Labcompublica (87) Laboratori de Prospectiva i Recerca en Comunicació, Cultura i Cooperació (LAPREC)  (88) LIEC (53) Publiradio (76)