GSADI Analytical Sociology & Institutional Design

GSADI Analytical Sociology & Institutional Design, promotes the use of innovative theories and methods in Analytical Sociology. The main research interest is in building formal models of social mechanisms to explain the complex interaction of social norms, strategic rationality and institutional design. To this effect GSADI researchers employ a variety of innovative methodologies and techniques, including agent-based social simulation and experiments (inspired by recent advances in behavioural social science). These models and techniques are applied to a variety of research topics covering several disciplines within the social sciences (computer simulation, political theory, social philosophy, archaeology, and behavioural economics/psychology). GSADI currently does empirical research on fiscal sociology, social influence, prosocial motivations, norm compliance, and collective action.

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412 p, 7.0 MB Redes de política y gobernanza de los sistemas nacionales de innovación : una comparación entre Chile y Colombia / Orozco, Luis ; Cancino, Ronald ; Garcia, Mauricio ; Goñi, Julian ; Padilla, Patricio ; Leon, Andres ; Ordoñez Matamoros, Gonzalo ; Moreno, Gabriel ; Petit-Breuilh, Jorge
2018 (Grupos de Trabajo)
Mirada iberoamericana a las políticas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación : Perspectivas comparadas, 2018, p. 221-256  
36 p, 360.6 KB Los modelos basados en agentes y la ciencia de las consecuencias inintencionadas de la acción / Linares, Francisco (Universidad de La Laguna)
El propósito de este artículo es defender la tesis de que los modelos basados en agentes (ABMs) permiten abordar solventemente el problema del vínculo micro-macro en las ciencias sociales. El argumento se desarrolla en cuatro etapas: en primer lugar, se sostiene que las CC. [...]
The aim of this article is to defend the thesis that agent-based models (ABMs) permit us to successfully address the problem of the micromacro connection in the social scienes. The argument is developed in four stages: First, we argue that the social sciences requires a theory of action constructed over a concrete explanatory mechanism, referred to as a "principle of action". [...]

2018 - 10.5477/cis/reis.162.21
Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas, Vol. 162 (2018) , p. 21-38  
17 p, 465.6 KB Endogenous changes in public opinion dynamics / León Medina, Francisco José (Universitat de Girona)
Opinion dynamics models usually center on explaining how macro-level regularities in public opinion (uniformity, polarization or clusterization) emerge as the effect of local interactions of a population with an initial random distribution of opinions. [...]
2019 - 10.18564/jasss.3967
JASSS, Vol. 22 Núm. 1 (2019)  
22 p, 1.7 MB If you move, I move : the social influence effect on residential mobility / Giménez de la Prada, Alex (Linköping University) ; Tapia Tejada, Eduardo (Linköping University)
There are many theories that account for why households move between residential areas. In this paper, we advance on this by formulating a new mechanism whereby a household's probability of leaving a neighborhood is informed by the number of other households who have previously left that neighborhood. [...]
2022 - 10.1371/journal.pone.0270783
PloS one, Vol. 17 Núm. 7 (2022) , p. e0270783  
25 p, 4.2 MB Groups' contribution to shaping ethnic residential segregation : a dynamic approach / Tapia Tejada, Eduardo (Linköping University)
Some have argued it is possible to infer different groups' contributions to ethnic residential segregation from their individual neighborhood preferences. From this perspective, natives tend to be more segregation-promoting than non-natives, since they prefer neighborhoods where they are the majority. [...]
2021 - 10.1007/s42001-021-00136-6
Journal of Computational Social Science, Vol. 5 (2021) , p. 565-589  
30 p, 245.5 KB ¿Qué es el arte y qué constituye el valor artístico? : algunas aportaciones a partir de la teoría de la creatividad artística de Jon Elster / Tena Sánchez, Jordi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Centellas, Indira
El presente artículo se basa en la teoría de la creatividad artística de Jon Elster para tratar de ofrecer un esbozo de definición del concepto de arte, así como las bases para una teoría del valor artístico. [...]
This paper, building on Jon Elster's theory of creativity in the arts, tries to offer a draft of a definition of art as well as the basis for a theory of artistic value. It is argued that a work of art is a human creation made with the intention of inducing an aesthetic experience, as well as that the main value of a work of art consists on its capacity to produce aesthetic and non-aesthetic emotions. [...]

2022 - 10.14422/pen.v78.i297.y2022.011
Pensamiento (Madrid.1945), Vol. 78 Núm. 297 (2022) , p. 199-228  
317 p, 16.2 MB Local Social Exposure and Inter-Neighborhood Mobility / Giménez de la Prada, Alex (Linköping University)
Studies on ethnic residential segregation analyze how the inter-neighborhood mobility of individuals shapes their spatial distribution across cities. This literature has shown that the residential choices of households partly depend on the ethnic composition of their neighborhoods: higher in-group shares promote the presence of more in-group members, and vice versa. [...]
Linkoping University Electronic Press, 2022
Linköping studies in arts and science, Núm. 809 (2021)  
24 p, 540.4 KB Understanding out-mobility and radical-right support as responses to differentiated refugee exposure / Giménez de la Prada, Alex (Linköping University)
The refugee crisis of 2015 became a major issue of both national and pan-European debate. Behavioral reactions among natives in the form of support for radical-right parties or leaving neighborhoods following influxes of non-Westerners are well documented, but a detailed account of how asylum seekers contribute to these dynamics remains elusive. [...]
2021 - 10.1093/jrs/feab109
Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol. 35 Núm. 2 (2021) , p. 1030-1053  
17 p, 475.8 KB El rol de las creencias en contextos estratégicos : un estudio a través del género y las expectativas de los sujetos / León Mejía, Ana (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Miller, Luis M. (University of Oxford)
El objetivo central de este trabajo es analizar el papel que desempeñan las creencias en contextos estratégicos. En concreto, estudiar de qué manera el género de los individuos interviene en el desarrollo de estas creencias. [...]
This paper aims at analyzing the role played by beliefs in strategic situations. Specifically, we study how individuals' gender affects beliefs. That is, whether men and women perceive the same experimental situation and the behavior of other subjects differently. [...]

2009 - 10.32796/cice.200977
Cuadernos económicos de ICE, Núm. 77 (enero 2009) , p. 165-181  
22 p, 201.8 KB Why Left Reciprocity Theories Are Inconsistent / Noguera, Jose A. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
The reciprocity objection is one of the most widespread criticisms against Basic Income (BI). In this article I challenge the consistency between the reciprocity principle and the preferred policy options of left reciprocity theorists. [...]
2007 - 10.2202/1932-0183.1056
Basic income studies, Vol. 2 Núm. 1 (june 2007) , p. 1-22