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Manuelian Journal of Dairy Science, 10 (2024) . doi:10.3168/jds.2023-24302 American Dairy Science Association cow pocket milk composition near-infrared spectroscopy journal Journal of Dairy Science Copyright © 2024 American Dairy Science Association. All rights reserved. 0022-0302 10.3168/jds.2023-24302 http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2023-24302 2010-04-23 true 10.3168/jds.2023-24302 elsevier.com sciencedirect.com P 6.5 10.3168/jds.2023-24302 2010-04-23 true sciencedirect.com elsevier.com sciencedirect.com elsevier.com Elsevier 2024-01-08T11:43:15-06:00 2024-01-19T16:11:28+05:30 2024-01-19T16:11:28+05:30 True cow; pocket; milk composition; near-infrared spectroscopy Acrobat Distiller 6.0 for Windows Unknown uuid:9ebfa4c2-e118-4024-b846-b451dee692a2 uuid:18135822-2d8a-467d-be2c-05103434cd24 Pages: Page: Sequence: 1 Annotations: Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 124, 634, 136, 620 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 236, 634, 247, 620 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 331, 634, 342, 620 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 413, 634, 424, 620 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 549, 634, 561, 620 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 269, 86, 300, 76 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 48, 77, 76, 67 Page: Sequence: 2 Page: Sequence: 3 Page: Sequence: 4 Page: Sequence: 5 Page: Sequence: 6 Page: Sequence: 7 Annotations: Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 106, 591, 274, 581 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 62, 546, 221, 536 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 146, 519, 293, 509 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 210, 492, 300, 482 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 62, 483, 139, 473 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 79, 456, 203, 446 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 253, 447, 300, 437 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 62, 438, 241, 428 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 270, 411, 300, 401 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 62, 402, 184, 392 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 223, 375, 300, 365 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 62, 366, 137, 356 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 233, 330, 300, 320 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 62, 321, 127, 311 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 62, 267, 228, 257 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 279, 240, 300, 230 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 62, 231, 204, 221 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 143, 195, 293, 185 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 174, 159, 300, 149 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 62, 150, 89, 140 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 414, 706, 547, 697 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 420, 670, 564, 661 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 326, 661, 357, 652 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 370, 598, 533, 589 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 534, 571, 564, 562 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 326, 562, 437, 553 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 474, 535, 564, 526 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 326, 526, 373, 517 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 474, 499, 564, 490 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 326, 490, 396, 481 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 474, 454, 564, 445 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 326, 445, 362, 436 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 362, 427, 484, 418 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 464, 400, 564, 391 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 326, 391, 364, 382 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 343, 346, 518, 337 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 367, 300, 516, 291 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 384, 290, 533, 281 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 366, 280, 515, 271 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 362, 270, 511, 261 Annotation: Subtype: Link Rect: 390, 260, 540, 251 Checksum: 9a612727 Type: CRC32 Checksum: 0584fa827d92627f36f48c00d3216309 Type: MD5 Checksum: c759f36982c44269908c69ebd814c30e66ab7334 Type: SHA-1 Checksum: 6dd0eba9ea394bc71dfcf28805f097a270b146b4a975a83d77884231924f8925 Type: SHA-256