1 00:00:51,011 --> 00:00:55,021 (Anna) My name is Anna Hammarlund. Right now I live with my mother and father. 2 00:00:56,251 --> 00:01:00,211 I am completely visually impaired I was born blind. 3 00:01:00,331 --> 00:01:03,171 My parents are sitting behind me. 4 00:01:04,072 --> 00:01:07,891 (Jenny) I'm Jenny Hammarlund, Anna’s mom. 5 00:01:08,131 --> 00:01:11,171 (Hasse) And I’m Hasse, Anna's dad. 6 00:01:13,689 --> 00:01:20,171 (Ester) Anna, do you ever use audio description or audio subtitles? 7 00:01:20,368 --> 00:01:25,251 (Anna) No, not subtitles. But I do listen to audio descriptions a bit. 8 00:01:25,593 --> 00:01:30,291 I hear what they say on TV if I raise the volume. 9 00:01:30,649 --> 00:01:33,731 I have trouble hearing, I have impaired hearing. 10 00:01:33,966 --> 00:01:36,491 If the volume is low, I can’t hear. 11 00:01:36,636 --> 00:01:41,371 (Ester) So audio subtitles are not something you have used? 12 00:01:41,429 --> 00:01:45,051 (Ester) Only audio descriptions? (Anna) No, I have not used them. 13 00:01:47,008 --> 00:01:50,055 (Ester) In what situations do you use audio descriptions? 14 00:01:50,291 --> 00:01:55,411 (Anna) Swedish movies with no commercials are best. 15 00:01:55,764 --> 00:01:58,091 (Ester) Swedish movies without commercials? 16 00:01:58,171 --> 00:02:02,451 (Anna) I don’t like commercials. They are always so confusing. 17 00:02:02,607 --> 00:02:07,651 Audio descriptions tell you what's there and how it looks. 18 00:02:07,821 --> 00:02:13,811 About clothing and what they are doing in the movie. That’s the way audio descriptions should be. 19 00:02:15,638 --> 00:02:20,211 (Ester) Have you ever used audio descriptions at the theater? 20 00:02:20,455 --> 00:02:25,291 (Anna) Yes, once I listened. I had a thing over my ear. 21 00:02:25,430 --> 00:02:29,044 Someone sits in back and speaks and listens to everything. 22 00:02:29,377 --> 00:02:32,171 (Ester) How was that? (Anna) It wasn’t bad. 23 00:02:32,371 --> 00:02:38,811 The ear piece can be a pain. Sometimes I can't hear and have to turn it up. 24 00:02:39,731 --> 00:02:47,771 You should really sit in the middle by the big speakers. 25 00:02:48,171 --> 00:02:52,611 They have to speak more clearly if there is music at the same time. 26 00:02:53,002 --> 00:03:01,771 I listen with an ear piece in one ear so I hear everything they say. 27 00:03:03,640 --> 00:03:11,211 (Ester) When you listen to audio descriptions on TV, for movies and the theater? 28 00:03:11,611 --> 00:03:15,371 Do you ever have problems understanding? 29 00:03:15,728 --> 00:03:17,091 (Anna) Sometimes. 30 00:03:17,326 --> 00:03:20,771 (Ester) What is it that makes it hard to understand? 31 00:03:20,976 --> 00:03:26,931 (Anna) In the “Halv åtta hos mig” program they speak so unclearly. 32 00:03:27,415 --> 00:03:31,051 They talk too fast. 33 00:03:31,287 --> 00:03:36,411 (Ester) Even in the audio description? (Anna) Yes, they're too fast all the time. 34 00:03:37,130 --> 00:03:40,208 (Hasse) The problem is not the audio description itself. 35 00:03:40,608 --> 00:03:44,131 The problem is that it is hard to find programs. 36 00:03:44,482 --> 00:03:49,211 It is almost impossible to find movies with audio descriptions- 37 00:03:49,451 --> 00:03:54,211 -in TV guides and other places. 38 00:03:54,590 --> 00:04:00,611 Audio description is hard because you can’t find- 39 00:04:00,900 --> 00:04:03,757 -the programs in the right order for example. 40 00:04:05,785 --> 00:04:09,211 (Ester) So there are audio described programs but they are just hard to find? 41 00:04:09,481 --> 00:04:14,011 (Hasse) Right. And I'm used to searching. But it’s really difficult. 42 00:04:14,171 --> 00:04:17,211 It is absolutely impossible for Anna to find them herself. 43 00:04:17,422 --> 00:04:21,131 We only have access to a fraction of what is out there. 44 00:04:21,303 --> 00:04:22,979 Because they are so hard to find. 45 00:04:23,136 --> 00:04:26,228 (Anna) Yeah. (Hasse) It’s really a waste of resources. 46 00:04:26,451 --> 00:04:32,731 And a pity for those who can’t find which movies have audio descriptions. 47 00:04:33,171 --> 00:04:37,112 (Jenny) Every morning we look at what shows are on that day. 48 00:04:37,466 --> 00:04:42,091 But it doesn't say anything. It tells you when it is subtitled. 49 00:04:42,354 --> 00:04:50,211 But when there are audio descriptions it’s not in the list of programs. 50 00:04:50,575 --> 00:04:54,131 They tell you right when the program is starting. 51 00:04:54,564 --> 00:04:58,411 Then they say, “This program has audio descriptions”. 52 00:04:58,971 --> 00:05:04,771 How are you supposed to find it so quickly? 53 00:05:05,231 --> 00:05:10,240 Right when the program is starting? If you’re going to watch with your family? 54 00:05:10,686 --> 00:05:17,211 You need to know in advance if a program has audio descriptions. 55 00:05:17,332 --> 00:05:20,131 There’s so much lacking. 56 00:05:20,364 --> 00:05:25,691 Programs you know about you can put on. 57 00:05:26,111 --> 00:05:32,411 But if you don't know it has audio descriptions we watch it the usual way. 58 00:05:32,525 --> 00:05:38,131 Instead, we provide the audio descriptions. I describe things to Anna myself. 59 00:05:40,131 --> 00:05:48,251 (Ester) When you find programs with audio descriptions, what do you think of them Anna? 60 00:05:48,549 --> 00:05:52,211 Do you think they are easy to understand? 61 00:05:52,354 --> 00:05:57,051 (Anna) Some things are, but then they have to speak clearly. 62 00:05:57,228 --> 00:06:00,309 (Jenny) But Anna, you love the “Mandelmanns gård” program. 63 00:06:00,602 --> 00:06:03,251 (Anna) I love “Mandelmanns gård”. They talk for themselves. 64 00:06:03,470 --> 00:06:06,531 (Anna & Jenny) They have good audio descriptions. 65 00:06:06,979 --> 00:06:08,972 (Ester) What makes those audio descriptions good? 66 00:06:09,111 --> 00:06:11,280 (Anna) They talk about the animals. 67 00:06:12,131 --> 00:06:16,251 (Jenny) Audio descriptions have to say what needs to be added. 68 00:06:16,418 --> 00:06:24,731 Not all the time. Mandelmann talks a lot themself. 69 00:06:25,234 --> 00:06:31,051 Lots of things happen in the program. The animals walk around, kind of exciting. 70 00:06:31,255 --> 00:06:36,651 Those audio descriptions are good not only for Anna's target group. 71 00:06:36,970 --> 00:06:40,451 They talk about what you should focus on. 72 00:06:40,591 --> 00:06:46,531 (Hasse) Audio descriptions are special in that they tell you what is happening on screen. 73 00:06:46,859 --> 00:06:53,051 But a speaker in a nature program does pretty much the same thing. 74 00:06:53,170 --> 00:06:56,611 But in another way, and it’s almost better. 75 00:06:57,004 --> 00:07:01,771 When you watch a nature show and hear natural sounds like a lion's roar. 76 00:07:01,929 --> 00:07:06,691 And someone is telling you what's happening. It’s all very engaging. 77 00:07:06,942 --> 00:07:10,954 Even though you can’t see the images. It’s interesting. 78 00:07:11,131 --> 00:07:14,091 It’s not audio descriptions, yet it is somehow. 79 00:07:14,406 --> 00:07:18,531 Yesterday, we were watching an edition of... 80 00:07:18,885 --> 00:07:22,662 (Anna) “Så mycket bättre”? (Hasse) No. What’s it called? 81 00:07:24,139 --> 00:07:27,223 (Anna) Oh, right! It was... (Hasse) What did we watch last night? 82 00:07:27,454 --> 00:07:30,971 (Anna) The one about animals. (Hasse) “Veterinärerna” or something. 83 00:07:31,118 --> 00:07:33,971 (Hasse) A program about veterinarians. It was the same thing there. 84 00:07:34,011 --> 00:07:39,371 They talked about how a horse was sick and needed an operation. 85 00:07:39,662 --> 00:07:43,731 And the little cat felt bad and had an injured tail. 86 00:07:44,276 --> 00:07:47,251 There was a narrator. 87 00:07:47,619 --> 00:07:51,171 And it was just as good as audio descriptions we think. 88 00:07:51,482 --> 00:07:59,811 A good program we saw on TV was the “Bröllop & Begravning” series 89 00:08:00,280 --> 00:08:04,251 (Anna) Oh, right! (Hasse) They did something we haven't seen before. 90 00:08:04,620 --> 00:08:09,171 They paused the film and described things. 91 00:08:09,481 --> 00:08:12,451 They explained that new people had come in. 92 00:08:12,717 --> 00:08:16,171 That's because it goes too fast otherwise. 93 00:08:16,392 --> 00:08:19,731 You don’t have time to hear what’s being said 94 00:08:19,877 --> 00:08:22,331 and the program sound and the description. 95 00:08:22,520 --> 00:08:26,411 So here they stopped the program occasionally and explained the context. 96 00:08:26,564 --> 00:08:29,442 It was a good new way. 97 00:08:29,965 --> 00:08:34,331 (Ester) The people who make audio descriptions in programs, 98 00:08:35,472 --> 00:08:40,331 what should they think about to make it as easy as possible 99 00:08:40,628 --> 00:08:44,291 for you to follow along in the audio description? 100 00:08:44,555 --> 00:08:49,451 Forget the program, just think of the audio description. 101 00:08:50,251 --> 00:08:58,211 (Anna) I think they should speak more slowly, and that they are clear at all times. 102 00:08:58,851 --> 00:09:01,251 (Jenny) It’s good that there are programs with audio descriptions. 103 00:09:01,411 --> 00:09:03,931 (Anna) Yeah, it is really good. 104 00:09:04,171 --> 00:09:08,371 (Jenny) But I’m sure it can be improved. (Anna) Would need to be entirely improved. 105 00:09:09,851 --> 00:09:13,691 (Ester) How could programs with audio descriptions be improved? 106 00:09:13,891 --> 00:09:22,691 (Anna) Speak clearly and slowly. Stop the show occasionally. 107 00:09:22,891 --> 00:09:24,971 And describe what's happening. 108 00:09:25,171 --> 00:09:29,771 Then continue the show. And talk like that.