1 00:00:07,360 --> 00:00:11,560 EASIT Easy access for social inclusion training 0:00:12.960,0:00:16.196 Hello and welcome to this short video lecture. 0:00:17.160,0:00:20.960 The lecture is taken from Unit 2: Easy to understand language, 0:00:20.977,0:00:24.440 Element 2: legislations, standards, and guidelines. 0:00:24.480,0:00:29.600 My name is Tatjana Knapp and I will introduce you to the situation in Slovenia. 0:00:30.000,0:00:35.800 Slovene language is a slavic language spoken by approximately two and a half million 0:00:35.840,0:00:40.280 people around the world but mainly by inhabitants of Slovenia. 0:00:41.120,0:00:45.560 Official language in Slovenia is Slovene, however,  there are two additional 0:00:45.600,0:00:49.600 official languages in municipalities bordering on Hungary and Italy: 0:00:49.640,0:00:52.840 Hungarian language and Italian language. 0:00:53.200,0:00:58.080 The Slovene language is one of the languages  that has a dual form, dualism, in addition 0:00:58.080,0:01:03.840 to singular and plural and many dialects  which are divided into eight dialect groups 0:01:03.840,0:01:10.000 Easy to read or Easy language is mentioned in our  last two national programs for language policy. 0:01:10.320,0:01:15.240 Plain language is not yet researched, spoken of or widely used 0:01:16.960,0:01:22.080 It is estimated that around half a million of people  with or without disabilities 0:01:22.320,0:01:25.120 benefit from Easy to understand Slovene language, 0:01:25.120,0:01:30.720 for example, people with cognitive disabilities, such as intellectual disabilities, dementia 0:01:30.800,0:01:33.840 autism spectrum disorder, low literacy skills, 0:01:34.000,0:01:37.000 migrants, Roma people... 0:01:38.880,0:01:42.800 Speaking of definitions of Easy to understand language, we have 0:01:42.880,0:01:44.920 a few definitions of Easy to read. 0:01:45.200,0:01:47.198 We can summarize them by saying: 0:01:47.198,0:01:50.920 Easy to read in Slovene language is Easy Slovene. 0:01:51.360,0:01:53.972 Information is prepared following the guidelines, 0:01:53.972,0:01:57.000 it must be easy to read and understand, 0:01:57.000,0:01:58.480 accessible and useful. 0:01:58.800,0:02:02.279 It can be an adaptation or an original, 0:02:02.279,0:02:08.200 a text with or without pictures and also standalone symbols or illustrations. 0:02:09.000,0:02:13.000 However, there is no definition of the plain language yet. 0:02:15.920,0:02:19.440 As for the milestones of the Easy to read language in Slovenia, 0:02:19.600,0:02:23.330 the early 2000s brought a few publications, such as a booklet on 0:02:23.330,0:02:26.680 introducing EURO as the new national currency 0:02:26.800,0:02:31.426 or a book with pictures on education and employment of people with learning disabilities. 0:02:31.600,0:02:35.280 At the beginning of 2011, Zavod RISA was established, 0:02:35.400,0:02:40.080 becoming the first organization in Slovenia to systematically produce and promote 0:02:40.200,0:02:43.147 Easy to read- Easy language. 0:02:43.147,0:02:44.240 Since the beginning, 0:02:44.400,0:02:49.120 the free digital newspaper in Easy to read, 20 minutes, produced by volunteers, 0:02:49.400,0:02:51.000 has been issued. 0:02:51.680,0:02:56.320 The year 2012 brought the first adaptations  of literacy fiction for Easy to read 0:02:56.320,0:03:00.188 and adaptation of the guidelines by Inclusion Europe. 0:03:01.760,0:03:06.213 The following years were fruitful, with the first national conference on Easy to read 0:03:06.213,0:03:08.163 marking the year 2013, 0:03:08.163,0:03:13.940 first public tender for projects for Easy to read adaptations in 2015, 0:03:14.101,0:03:18.380 followed by the first original novel in Slovene Easy to read a year later 0:03:18.380,0:03:24.480 and foundation of the Association for adapted communications LABRA in 2017. 0:03:24.843,0:03:31.880 Years 2018 and 2019 were very important for Easy to understand language in Slovenia. 0:03:31.920,0:03:36.029 Project Lahko je brati- It is easy to read brought new guidelines 0:03:36.029,0:03:39.207 with four levels of Easy to read Slovene language. 0:03:39.207,0:03:44.240 Easy to read that follows these guidelines is marked with a round purple sign 0:03:44.360,0:03:47.735 containing a winking book, as seen in the picture. 0:03:48.320,0:03:52.196 The levels are marked with different numbers and colors of the books, 0:03:52.196,0:03:55.756 from one blue book with a hand on it, marking the first level, 0:03:55.756,0:04:03.204 to two green, three yellow, and finally four red books marking the fourth level. 0:04:03.204,0:04:10.638 The project results are available on the website www.lahkojebrati.si. 0:04:11.520,0:04:17.320 In 2019, the first course on Easy to read for students of inclusive pedagogics 0:04:17.440,0:04:22.415 was held at the University of Maribor, Faculty of pedagogics. 0:04:23.680,0:04:27.680 As regards plain language, RISA promoted it for the first time 0:04:27.680,0:04:31.793 in a proposal of systematization of  accessible information in 0:04:31.793,0:04:33.479 The Republic of Slovenia. 0:04:33.760,0:04:36.190 The initiative was also a part of the project 0:04:36.190,0:04:37.459 Lahko je brati- It is easy to read. 0:04:40.720,0:04:43.428 Thank you for joining me for this video lecture. 0:04:43.428,0:04:46.774 If you have any questions or comments regarding the content 0:04:46.774,0:04:51.222 or you are interested in Easy to understand Slovene language in general, 0:04:51.222,0:04:53.574 feel free to contact me through email. 0:04:53.574,0:05:00.000 The email address is tatjana at risa.si.