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TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 1922 0 AMBLVL+Helvetica-Light TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1475 0 OKUYCQ+LucidaGrande TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 1472 0 APBZKZ+Helvetica-BoldOblique TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1482 0 UEGRXC+Helvetica-BoldOblique TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 1484 0 SZHZQY+Helvetica-Oblique TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1488 0 UJYAHK+Helvetica-Light TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 1498 0 PCTXWQ+ArialMT TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1502 0 SZIVSJ+Arial-BoldMT TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1501 0 DPDTOB+Symbol TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 1504 0 CWHYAK+Arial-ItalicMT TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1503 0 GPEVMM+Times-Bold TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1513 0 XZYDQH+Helvetica CID TrueType Identity-H yes yes yes 1520 0 USMSLZ+Helvetica TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1516 0 GAGBSW+HelveticaNeue TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1517 0 JUSIVL+HelveticaNeue-Medium TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 1518 0 WWFAIY+HelveticaNeue-Light TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1519 0 BHWUHZ+AdvGulliver Type 1C 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yes yes 1657 0 OJNOPX+Taz-Bold Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1654 0 TEAAJA+Taz Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1655 0 EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1662 0 UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1659 0 LCIBMN+WarnockPro-Regular Type 1C Custom yes yes yes 1660 0 OJNOPX+Taz-Bold Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1658 0 VYDYUD+Taz-SemiBold Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1661 0 VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1695 0 RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1680 0 KPCKYT+MyriadPro-Regular Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1683 0 HXQHOQ+Times-Roman Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1686 0 VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1689 0 QTPRIO+MyriadPro-BoldIt Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1666 0 PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD Type 1C MacRoman yes yes no 1669 0 XJHKEL+MathematicalPi-Four Type 1C Custom yes yes yes 1672 0 YNHZLV+MinionPro-Regular Type 1C Custom yes yes yes 1675 0 XTRJQL+Helvetica TrueType MacRoman yes yes no 1676 0 VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular 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true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 169 ImageHeight: 101 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: Perceptual Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 34 ImageHeight: 13 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 169 ImageHeight: 43 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 144 ImageHeight: 110 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 169 ImageHeight: 115 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: Perceptual Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 290 ImageHeight: 217 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: Perceptual Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 169 ImageHeight: 49 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 121 ImageHeight: 110 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 269 ImageHeight: 181 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 240 ImageHeight: 217 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: Perceptual Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 553 ImageHeight: 367 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: Perceptual Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 73 ImageHeight: 68 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: Perceptual Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 60 ImageHeight: 13 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 144 ImageHeight: 90 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 288 ImageHeight: 216 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: Perceptual Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 133 ImageHeight: 100 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 265 ImageHeight: 195 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: Perceptual Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 657 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 407 ImageHeight: 304 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 656 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 656 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 656 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 656 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 624 ImageHeight: 811 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: RelativeColorimetric Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 656 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 617 ImageHeight: 333 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: RelativeColorimetric Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 656 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 657 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 656 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 656 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 491 ImageHeight: 656 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: CCITT Group 4 ImageWidth: 153 ImageHeight: 40 BitsPerSample: 1 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer ImageMask: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 493 ImageHeight: 653 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 493 ImageHeight: 653 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 493 ImageHeight: 654 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 493 ImageHeight: 653 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 493 ImageHeight: 653 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 493 ImageHeight: 653 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 493 ImageHeight: 653 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 364 ImageHeight: 333 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 746 ImageHeight: 681 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Intent: Perceptual Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: CCITT Group 4 ImageWidth: 153 ImageHeight: 40 BitsPerSample: 1 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer ImageMask: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 480 ImageHeight: 678 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 481 ImageHeight: 678 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 481 ImageHeight: 678 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 481 ImageHeight: 679 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 480 ImageHeight: 679 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 230 ImageHeight: 192 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 200 ImageHeight: 156 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: CCITT Group 4 ImageWidth: 153 ImageHeight: 137 BitsPerSample: 1 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer ImageMask: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: CCITT Group 4 ImageWidth: 155 ImageHeight: 104 BitsPerSample: 1 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer ImageMask: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: CCITT Group 4 ImageWidth: 229 ImageHeight: 163 BitsPerSample: 1 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer ImageMask: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: CCITT Group 4 ImageWidth: 137 ImageHeight: 182 BitsPerSample: 1 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer ImageMask: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: CCITT Group 4 ImageWidth: 173 ImageHeight: 174 BitsPerSample: 1 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer ImageMask: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: CCITT Group 4 ImageWidth: 129 ImageHeight: 152 BitsPerSample: 1 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer ImageMask: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 375 ImageHeight: 416 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 494 ImageHeight: 548 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Image: NisoImageMetadata: CompressionScheme: JPEG ImageWidth: 1323 ImageHeight: 710 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Image: NisoImageMetadata: ImageWidth: 433 ImageHeight: 235 BitsPerSample: 8 BitsPerSampleUnit: integer Filter: FlateDecode Interpolate: true Fonts: Type0: Font: BaseFont: XZYDQH+Helvetica Encoding: Identity-H ToUnicode: true Type1: Font: BaseFont: YTURJR+WarnockPro-It FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: YTURJR+WarnockPro-It Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -252, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: TEAAJA+Taz FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 188 FontDescriptor: FontName: TEAAJA+Taz Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -138, -231, 1028, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 222 FontDescriptor: FontName: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 151 FontDescriptor: FontName: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -153, -231, 1066, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -153, -231, 1066, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 222 FontDescriptor: FontName: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -131, -231, 1013, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 156 FontDescriptor: FontName: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -131, -231, 1013, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 223 FontDescriptor: FontName: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: YTURJR+WarnockPro-It FontSubset: true FirstChar: 98 LastChar: 120 FontDescriptor: FontName: YTURJR+WarnockPro-It Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -252, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 231 FontDescriptor: FontName: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 222 FontDescriptor: FontName: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -131, -231, 1013, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 151 FontDescriptor: FontName: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -131, -231, 1013, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 231 FontDescriptor: FontName: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -153, -231, 1066, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: LCIBMN+WarnockPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 34 FontDescriptor: FontName: LCIBMN+WarnockPro-Regular Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -208, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: DKPYTD+WarnockPro-Semibold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 146 FontDescriptor: FontName: DKPYTD+WarnockPro-Semibold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -212, -610, 1604, 1037 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 222 FontDescriptor: FontName: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -131, -231, 1013, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VYDYUD+Taz-SemiBold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: VYDYUD+Taz-SemiBold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -145, -231, 1046, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: LCIBMN+WarnockPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 35 FontDescriptor: FontName: LCIBMN+WarnockPro-Regular Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -208, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: TFEHSE+Taz-SemiLightItalic FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: TFEHSE+Taz-SemiLightItalic Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -182, -231, 989, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: TEAAJA+Taz FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 151 FontDescriptor: FontName: TEAAJA+Taz Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -138, -231, 1028, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 108 FontDescriptor: FontName: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -153, -231, 1066, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 223 FontDescriptor: FontName: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: TEAAJA+Taz FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 151 FontDescriptor: FontName: TEAAJA+Taz Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -138, -231, 1028, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 108 FontDescriptor: FontName: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -153, -231, 1066, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 231 FontDescriptor: FontName: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 177 FontDescriptor: FontName: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -131, -231, 1013, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 231 FontDescriptor: FontName: EYIEGC+Taz-SemiLight Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -131, -231, 1013, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XXWPCR+AdvP4C4E74 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: XXWPCR+AdvP4C4E74 Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -51, -989, 1145, 801 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: KTUGLT+AdvPS9725 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 37 LastChar: 245 FontDescriptor: FontName: KTUGLT+AdvPS9725 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -228, -270, 1301, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: WSBRQF+AdvPS9794 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 40 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: WSBRQF+AdvPS9794 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -239, -281, 1322, 791 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OBNEHT+AdvP4C4E59 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 47 LastChar: 47 FontDescriptor: FontName: OBNEHT+AdvP4C4E59 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -62, -281, 1031, 781 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: QCVPRX+AdvPS9788 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 65 LastChar: 116 FontDescriptor: FontName: QCVPRX+AdvPS9788 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -270, 1426, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: YQKBOO+AdvPS9797 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 48 LastChar: 57 FontDescriptor: FontName: YQKBOO+AdvPS9797 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -218, -281, 1343, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: HGNOLL+AdvPS978B FontSubset: true FirstChar: 46 LastChar: 116 FontDescriptor: FontName: HGNOLL+AdvPS978B Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -176, -281, 1333, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: MQXSNV+AdvPS9779 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 48 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: MQXSNV+AdvPS9779 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -270, 1322, 791 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: LCIBMN+WarnockPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: LCIBMN+WarnockPro-Regular Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -208, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: VYDYUD+Taz-SemiBold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 151 FontDescriptor: FontName: VYDYUD+Taz-SemiBold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -145, -231, 1046, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 142 FontDescriptor: FontName: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -153, -231, 1066, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: TFEHSE+Taz-SemiLightItalic FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: TFEHSE+Taz-SemiLightItalic Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -182, -231, 989, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: TEAAJA+Taz FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 169 FontDescriptor: FontName: TEAAJA+Taz Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -138, -231, 1028, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 73 LastChar: 151 FontDescriptor: FontName: OJNOPX+Taz-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -153, -231, 1066, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XRKLNR+Taz-ExtraBold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 151 FontDescriptor: FontName: XRKLNR+Taz-ExtraBold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -162, -231, 1088, 931 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 222 FontDescriptor: FontName: UJMTSF+WarnockPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -564, 1505, 981 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: MQXSNV+AdvPS9779 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 48 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: MQXSNV+AdvPS9779 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -270, 1322, 791 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: TVVUMQ+AdvMathSymb FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: TVVUMQ+AdvMathSymb Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -93, -968, 1437, 885 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: XXWPCR+AdvP4C4E74 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 34 FontDescriptor: FontName: XXWPCR+AdvP4C4E74 Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -51, -989, 1145, 801 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: FCPCZA+AdvPS7DA6 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 44 LastChar: 44 FontDescriptor: FontName: FCPCZA+AdvPS7DA6 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -51, -239, 1031, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VUAEQA+AdvPS6F01 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 46 LastChar: 46 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUAEQA+AdvPS6F01 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -197, -239, 1031, 781 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KTUGLT+AdvPS9725 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 37 LastChar: 222 FontDescriptor: FontName: KTUGLT+AdvPS9725 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -228, -270, 1301, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XXWPCR+AdvP4C4E74 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: XXWPCR+AdvP4C4E74 Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -51, -989, 1145, 801 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: TVVUMQ+AdvMathSymb FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: TVVUMQ+AdvMathSymb Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -93, -968, 1437, 885 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: FCPCZA+AdvPS7DA6 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 44 LastChar: 44 FontDescriptor: FontName: FCPCZA+AdvPS7DA6 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -51, -239, 1031, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OBNEHT+AdvP4C4E59 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 47 LastChar: 47 FontDescriptor: FontName: OBNEHT+AdvP4C4E59 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -62, -281, 1031, 781 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: HGNOLL+AdvPS978B FontSubset: true FirstChar: 46 LastChar: 116 FontDescriptor: FontName: HGNOLL+AdvPS978B Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -176, -281, 1333, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: MQXSNV+AdvPS9779 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 37 LastChar: 208 FontDescriptor: FontName: MQXSNV+AdvPS9779 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -270, 1322, 791 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: QCVPRX+AdvPS9788 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 40 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: QCVPRX+AdvPS9788 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -270, 1426, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: WSBRQF+AdvPS9794 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 80 LastChar: 80 FontDescriptor: FontName: WSBRQF+AdvPS9794 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -239, -281, 1322, 791 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KTUGLT+AdvPS9725 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 37 LastChar: 222 FontDescriptor: FontName: KTUGLT+AdvPS9725 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -228, -270, 1301, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VUAEQA+AdvPS6F01 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 46 LastChar: 46 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUAEQA+AdvPS6F01 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -197, -239, 1031, 781 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: WSBRQF+AdvPS9794 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 80 LastChar: 116 FontDescriptor: FontName: WSBRQF+AdvPS9794 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -239, -281, 1322, 791 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: JCQRXV+AdvGreekM FontSubset: true FirstChar: 120 LastChar: 120 FontDescriptor: FontName: JCQRXV+AdvGreekM Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -197, -239, 885, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OBNEHT+AdvP4C4E59 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 47 LastChar: 47 FontDescriptor: FontName: OBNEHT+AdvP4C4E59 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -62, -281, 1031, 781 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: QCVPRX+AdvPS9788 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 49 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: QCVPRX+AdvPS9788 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -270, 1426, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: HGNOLL+AdvPS978B FontSubset: true FirstChar: 46 LastChar: 116 FontDescriptor: FontName: HGNOLL+AdvPS978B Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -176, -281, 1333, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: QCVPRX+AdvPS9788 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 49 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: QCVPRX+AdvPS9788 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -270, 1426, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UCAEPC+AdvPS3F926E FontSubset: true FirstChar: 81 LastChar: 81 FontDescriptor: FontName: UCAEPC+AdvPS3F926E Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -11, -156, 1031, 843 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VUAEQA+AdvPS6F01 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 46 LastChar: 46 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUAEQA+AdvPS6F01 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -197, -239, 1031, 781 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OBNEHT+AdvP4C4E59 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 47 LastChar: 47 FontDescriptor: FontName: OBNEHT+AdvP4C4E59 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -62, -281, 1031, 781 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FCPCZA+AdvPS7DA6 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 46 LastChar: 46 FontDescriptor: FontName: FCPCZA+AdvPS7DA6 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -51, -239, 1031, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: TVVUMQ+AdvMathSymb FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: TVVUMQ+AdvMathSymb Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -93, -968, 1437, 885 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: RYMCSH+AdvPS9785 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 46 LastChar: 120 FontDescriptor: FontName: RYMCSH+AdvPS9785 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -218, -270, 1239, 791 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KTUGLT+AdvPS9725 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 42 LastChar: 224 FontDescriptor: FontName: KTUGLT+AdvPS9725 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -228, -270, 1301, 801 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: MQXSNV+AdvPS9779 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 37 LastChar: 245 FontDescriptor: FontName: MQXSNV+AdvPS9779 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -208, -270, 1322, 791 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XQLMNG+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: XQLMNG+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EWQHBL+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: EWQHBL+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EWQHBL+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 208 FontDescriptor: FontName: EWQHBL+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 94 FontDescriptor: FontName: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -39, -223, 1029, 789 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: NZKGFE+MyriadPro FontSubset: true FirstChar: 37 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: NZKGFE+MyriadPro Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -32, -251, 796, 752 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD FontSubset: true FirstChar: 56 LastChar: 56 FontDescriptor: FontName: PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -33, -296, 1016, 834 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XQLMNG+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: XQLMNG+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -39, -223, 1029, 789 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: JOTXMK+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: JOTXMK+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD FontSubset: true FirstChar: 56 LastChar: 56 FontDescriptor: FontName: PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -33, -296, 1016, 834 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XQLMNG+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: XQLMNG+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EWQHBL+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 208 FontDescriptor: FontName: EWQHBL+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: ADNSGB+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 44 LastChar: 46 FontDescriptor: FontName: ADNSGB+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1088, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 120 FontDescriptor: FontName: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -263, 1144, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EWQHBL+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: EWQHBL+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XQLMNG+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: XQLMNG+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -86, -292, 1168, 995 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UNIPFS+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 84 LastChar: 115 FontDescriptor: FontName: UNIPFS+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -281, 1079, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: YECIZG+Helvetica-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 208 FontDescriptor: FontName: YECIZG+Helvetica-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -201, -259, 1034, 993 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -255, 1102, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: NVPSXD+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 107 LastChar: 107 FontDescriptor: FontName: NVPSXD+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1084, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -255, 1102, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VBXQCB+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 44 LastChar: 83 FontDescriptor: FontName: VBXQCB+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1088, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: IMFTNA+HelveticaLTMM_1_933 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 113 LastChar: 113 FontDescriptor: FontName: IMFTNA+HelveticaLTMM_1_933 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1098, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UGCVGA+HelveticaLTMM_1_933 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 113 LastChar: 113 FontDescriptor: FontName: UGCVGA+HelveticaLTMM_1_933 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1098, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: ECRUIQ+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 97 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: ECRUIQ+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1093, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -263, 1144, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OEUEKN+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 122 FontDescriptor: FontName: OEUEKN+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1102, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: YNHZLV+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 34 FontDescriptor: FontName: YNHZLV+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 105 FontDescriptor: FontName: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPCKYT+MyriadPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPCKYT+MyriadPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -77, -281, 1157, 912 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 231 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 208 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: HXQHOQ+Times-Roman FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 32 FontDescriptor: FontName: HXQHOQ+Times-Roman Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -249, 1031, 929 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 54 FontDescriptor: FontName: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -39, -223, 1029, 789 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EWQHBL+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: EWQHBL+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XQLMNG+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: XQLMNG+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: HONMLU+MyriadPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: HONMLU+MyriadPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -77, -281, 1157, 912 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: NPRSNE+MyriadPro-BoldIt FontSubset: true FirstChar: 58 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: NPRSNE+MyriadPro-BoldIt Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -127, -281, 1256, 920 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XJHKEL+MathematicalPi-Four FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: XJHKEL+MathematicalPi-Four Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -57, -271, 959, 804 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: XTZVYU+MinionPro-It FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: XTZVYU+MinionPro-It Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -232, -391, 1715, 950 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: DHZCKK+MathematicalPi-One FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: DHZCKK+MathematicalPi-One Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -61, -241, 1031, 810 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: ASDVNT+MinionPro-It FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 115 FontDescriptor: FontName: ASDVNT+MinionPro-It Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -232, -391, 1715, 950 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 94 FontDescriptor: FontName: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -39, -223, 1029, 789 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: QTPRIO+MyriadPro-BoldIt FontSubset: true FirstChar: 58 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: QTPRIO+MyriadPro-BoldIt Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -127, -281, 1256, 920 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPCKYT+MyriadPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 169 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPCKYT+MyriadPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -77, -281, 1157, 912 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: ASDVNT+MinionPro-It FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: ASDVNT+MinionPro-It Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -232, -391, 1715, 950 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 105 FontDescriptor: FontName: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -33, -296, 1016, 834 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPCKYT+MyriadPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPCKYT+MyriadPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -77, -281, 1157, 912 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: YNHZLV+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: YNHZLV+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD FontSubset: true FirstChar: 56 LastChar: 56 FontDescriptor: FontName: PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -33, -296, 1016, 834 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: DHZCKK+MathematicalPi-One FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: DHZCKK+MathematicalPi-One Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -61, -241, 1031, 810 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -39, -223, 1029, 789 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: ASDVNT+MinionPro-It FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: ASDVNT+MinionPro-It Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -232, -391, 1715, 950 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD FontSubset: true FirstChar: 56 LastChar: 56 FontDescriptor: FontName: PKGWJX+MathTechnicalPD Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -33, -296, 1016, 834 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: QTPRIO+MyriadPro-BoldIt FontSubset: true FirstChar: 58 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: QTPRIO+MyriadPro-BoldIt Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -127, -281, 1256, 920 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XJHKEL+MathematicalPi-Four FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: XJHKEL+MathematicalPi-Four Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -57, -271, 959, 804 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: YNHZLV+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: YNHZLV+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: HXQHOQ+Times-Roman FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 32 FontDescriptor: FontName: HXQHOQ+Times-Roman Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -249, 1031, 929 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: RQKRHY+MyriadPro-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -123, -281, 1287, 928 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPCKYT+MyriadPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPCKYT+MyriadPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -77, -281, 1157, 912 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 208 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUKINV+MinionPro-Regular Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -320, -391, 1715, 948 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA FontSubset: true FirstChar: 54 LastChar: 94 FontDescriptor: FontName: VYAQJL+MathTechnicalPA Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -39, -223, 1029, 789 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: AAUAKA+Plantin-Italic FontSubset: true FirstChar: 115 LastChar: 118 FontDescriptor: FontName: AAUAKA+Plantin-Italic Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -179, -281, 1154, 951 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: CBMLKM+Plantin FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: CBMLKM+Plantin Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -163, -281, 1083, 939 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: HUOATU+FranklinGothic-BookOblique FontSubset: true FirstChar: 80 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: HUOATU+FranklinGothic-BookOblique Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -201, -282, 1133, 946 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: YNRMHK+RotisSemiSans FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 156 FontDescriptor: FontName: YNRMHK+RotisSemiSans Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -73, -266, 1171, 959 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: SXJKPC+RotisSemiSans-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 238 FontDescriptor: FontName: SXJKPC+RotisSemiSans-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -87, -275, 1228, 984 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: RIVEKF+FranklinGothic-Book FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: RIVEKF+FranklinGothic-Book Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -195, -281, 1045, 945 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: SKVMAM+FranklinGothic-Demi FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: SKVMAM+FranklinGothic-Demi Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -230, -281, 1045, 965 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XFRUDT+RotisSemiSans-ExtraBold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 48 LastChar: 50 FontDescriptor: FontName: XFRUDT+RotisSemiSans-ExtraBold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -104, -288, 1280, 1005 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: ESWUYZ+Universal-GreekwithMathPi FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: ESWUYZ+Universal-GreekwithMathPi Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -61, -271, 1043, 846 FontFile3: true EncodingDictionary: Differences: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: AKUMCW+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 44 LastChar: 83 FontDescriptor: FontName: AKUMCW+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1088, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -86, -292, 1168, 995 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 118 FontDescriptor: FontName: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -263, 1144, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: GVKSLJ+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 70 LastChar: 115 FontDescriptor: FontName: GVKSLJ+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -281, 1079, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: VUEFQL+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: VUEFQL+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1102, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: NHDVDH+HelveticaLTMM_1_134 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 213 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: NHDVDH+HelveticaLTMM_1_134 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -281, 1041, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: PTCAOP+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 84 LastChar: 115 FontDescriptor: FontName: PTCAOP+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -281, 1079, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: IEJMVV+HelveticaLTMM_1_933 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 113 LastChar: 113 FontDescriptor: FontName: IEJMVV+HelveticaLTMM_1_933 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1098, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: ZMZVAJ+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 44 LastChar: 83 FontDescriptor: FontName: ZMZVAJ+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1088, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UAPUNK+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 97 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: UAPUNK+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1093, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OLVSRF+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: OLVSRF+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1102, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -255, 1102, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: LUERIN+HelveticaLTMM_1_1 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 61 LastChar: 61 FontDescriptor: FontName: LUERIN+HelveticaLTMM_1_1 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -198, -281, 1031, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: ODKWAB+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 99 LastChar: 115 FontDescriptor: FontName: ODKWAB+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -281, 1079, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -263, 1144, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: CJICNL+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 84 LastChar: 115 FontDescriptor: FontName: CJICNL+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -281, 1079, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: WIIZDV+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 107 LastChar: 107 FontDescriptor: FontName: WIIZDV+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1084, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XVSBJW+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 80 LastChar: 107 FontDescriptor: FontName: XVSBJW+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1084, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: BIFQYU+HelveticaLTMM_1_600 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 67 LastChar: 67 FontDescriptor: FontName: BIFQYU+HelveticaLTMM_1_600 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -281, 1074, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black FontSubset: true FirstChar: 45 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -263, 1144, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: AFKORF+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 122 FontDescriptor: FontName: AFKORF+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1102, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FREEZS+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 122 FontDescriptor: FontName: FREEZS+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1102, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: IGSJDK+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: IGSJDK+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1102, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: BONEZM+HelveticaLTMM_1_600 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 67 LastChar: 67 FontDescriptor: FontName: BONEZM+HelveticaLTMM_1_600 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -281, 1074, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 118 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -86, -292, 1168, 995 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KWMZYV+HelveticaLTMM_1_134 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 213 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: KWMZYV+HelveticaLTMM_1_134 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -281, 1041, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: PZPNCH+Helvetica-Condensed-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 116 FontDescriptor: FontName: PZPNCH+Helvetica-Condensed-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -200, -259, 1122, 1002 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -86, -292, 1168, 995 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: BSCXXJ+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 69 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: BSCXXJ+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1093, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: TJKVKR+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 80 LastChar: 107 FontDescriptor: FontName: TJKVKR+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1084, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: GFJSBF+HelveticaLTMM_1_467 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 210 LastChar: 211 FontDescriptor: FontName: GFJSBF+HelveticaLTMM_1_467 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -202, -281, 1065, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: MPDHKQ+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 107 LastChar: 107 FontDescriptor: FontName: MPDHKQ+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1084, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -255, 1102, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: RERGNV+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 69 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: RERGNV+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1093, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: QBZSCX+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 70 LastChar: 115 FontDescriptor: FontName: QBZSCX+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -281, 1079, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: ZJIWSK+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: ZJIWSK+HelveticaLTMM_1_1000 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1102, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: GZICZR+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 84 LastChar: 115 FontDescriptor: FontName: GZICZR+HelveticaLTMM_1_667 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -281, 1079, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -86, -292, 1168, 995 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: ZLMDRB+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 44 LastChar: 83 FontDescriptor: FontName: ZLMDRB+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1088, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -263, 1144, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -255, 1102, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: WVJDXX+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 44 LastChar: 83 FontDescriptor: FontName: WVJDXX+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1088, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: YDDKOR+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 69 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: YDDKOR+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1093, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: RWJDUT+HelveticaLTMM_1_1 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 209 LastChar: 209 FontDescriptor: FontName: RWJDUT+HelveticaLTMM_1_1 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -198, -281, 1031, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: SXAFAI+HelveticaLTMM_1_933 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 113 LastChar: 113 FontDescriptor: FontName: SXAFAI+HelveticaLTMM_1_933 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1098, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: TLRQPJ+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 44 LastChar: 83 FontDescriptor: FontName: TLRQPJ+HelveticaLTMM_1_800 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1088, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: HSUQLO+HelveticaLTMM_1_1 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 209 LastChar: 209 FontDescriptor: FontName: HSUQLO+HelveticaLTMM_1_1 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -198, -281, 1031, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -86, -292, 1168, 995 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: TDIMQE+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 80 LastChar: 107 FontDescriptor: FontName: TDIMQE+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1084, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: IJXRZR+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 107 LastChar: 107 FontDescriptor: FontName: IJXRZR+HelveticaLTMM_1_734 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -204, -281, 1084, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 122 FontDescriptor: FontName: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -263, 1144, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 122 FontDescriptor: FontName: KPUFOE+OfficinaSans-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -86, -292, 1168, 995 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: AXYEVJ+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 69 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: AXYEVJ+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1093, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: PCZVTO+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 69 LastChar: 119 FontDescriptor: FontName: PCZVTO+HelveticaLTMM_1_867 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1093, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OVUJBZ+HelveticaLTMM_1_600 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 67 LastChar: 67 FontDescriptor: FontName: OVUJBZ+HelveticaLTMM_1_600 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -281, 1074, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -255, 1102, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 118 FontDescriptor: FontName: FGNECI+Helvetica-Condensed-Black Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -199, -263, 1144, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: EGOERY+Helvetica-Condensed Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -255, 1102, 1021 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OCYDCQ+HelveticaLTMM_1_467 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 210 LastChar: 211 FontDescriptor: FontName: OCYDCQ+HelveticaLTMM_1_467 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -202, -281, 1065, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: PKQTQV+HelveticaLTMM_1_933 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 71 LastChar: 113 FontDescriptor: FontName: PKQTQV+HelveticaLTMM_1_933 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -205, -281, 1098, 956 FontFile: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: FKDWCU+AdvGulliver-B FontSubset: true FirstChar: 40 LastChar: 117 FontDescriptor: FontName: FKDWCU+AdvGulliver-B Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -176, -270, 1156, 874 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: LQZETX+AdvGulliver-I FontSubset: true FirstChar: 40 LastChar: 208 FontDescriptor: FontName: LQZETX+AdvGulliver-I Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -166, -260, 1083, 843 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OFINDM+AdvT044 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 65 LastChar: 84 FontDescriptor: FontName: OFINDM+AdvT044 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -197, -249, 1041, 958 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: YQOPVY+Courier FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: YQOPVY+Courier Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -37, -280, 670, 834 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: BHWUHZ+AdvGulliver FontSubset: true FirstChar: 37 LastChar: 247 FontDescriptor: FontName: BHWUHZ+AdvGulliver Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -135, -270, 1072, 853 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: NIWSQK+AdvMacmm3 FontSubset: true FirstChar: 41 LastChar: 42 FontDescriptor: FontName: NIWSQK+AdvMacmm3 Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -156, -333, 978, 822 FontFile3: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding TrueType: Font: BaseFont: BMKTQG+Helvetica-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 35 FontDescriptor: FontName: BMKTQG+Helvetica-Bold Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -1018, -481, 1436, 1159 FontFile2: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: VLRAIL+Times-Roman FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 32 FontDescriptor: FontName: VLRAIL+Times-Roman Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -203, -428, 1700, 1272 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: URSKZP+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 242 FontDescriptor: FontName: URSKZP+Helvetica Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: SZHZQY+Helvetica-Oblique FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 222 FontDescriptor: FontName: SZHZQY+Helvetica-Oblique Flags: Nonsymbolic, Italic FontBBox: -933, -481, 1571, 1138 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: PCTXWQ+ArialMT FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 241 FontDescriptor: FontName: PCTXWQ+ArialMT Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -665, -325, 2000, 1006 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: CWHYAK+Arial-ItalicMT FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 213 FontDescriptor: FontName: CWHYAK+Arial-ItalicMT Flags: Nonsymbolic, Italic FontBBox: -517, -325, 1379, 997 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: CYGKZU+Helvetica-LightOblique FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 222 FontDescriptor: FontName: CYGKZU+Helvetica-LightOblique Flags: Nonsymbolic, Italic FontBBox: -468, -379, 1493, 1206 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XTRJQL+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 138 FontDescriptor: FontName: XTRJQL+Helvetica Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: SZIVSJ+Arial-BoldMT FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 233 FontDescriptor: FontName: SZIVSJ+Arial-BoldMT Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -628, -376, 2000, 1011 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: UJYAHK+Helvetica-Light FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 34 FontDescriptor: FontName: UJYAHK+Helvetica-Light Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -453, -355, 1345, 1206 FontFile2: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: ONWVQM+Helvetica-Bold FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 241 FontDescriptor: FontName: ONWVQM+Helvetica-Bold Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -1018, -481, 1436, 1159 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: AMBLVL+Helvetica-Light FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 225 FontDescriptor: FontName: AMBLVL+Helvetica-Light Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -453, -355, 1345, 1206 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XTRJQL+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 138 FontDescriptor: FontName: XTRJQL+Helvetica Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: OKUYCQ+LucidaGrande FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 34 FontDescriptor: FontName: OKUYCQ+LucidaGrande Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -1067, -737, 1641, 1162 FontFile2: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: UEGRXC+Helvetica-BoldOblique FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: UEGRXC+Helvetica-BoldOblique Flags: Symbolic, Italic FontBBox: -1001, -481, 1589, 1175 FontFile2: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: APBZKZ+Helvetica-BoldOblique FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 241 FontDescriptor: FontName: APBZKZ+Helvetica-BoldOblique Flags: Nonsymbolic, Italic FontBBox: -1001, -481, 1589, 1175 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XTRJQL+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 138 FontDescriptor: FontName: XTRJQL+Helvetica Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XTRJQL+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 138 FontDescriptor: FontName: XTRJQL+Helvetica Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XTRJQL+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 138 FontDescriptor: FontName: XTRJQL+Helvetica Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XTRJQL+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 138 FontDescriptor: FontName: XTRJQL+Helvetica Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: XTRJQL+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 138 FontDescriptor: FontName: XTRJQL+Helvetica Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: QLUQQM+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 151 FontDescriptor: FontName: QLUQQM+Helvetica Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: DYPYTH+Helvetica-Oblique FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: DYPYTH+Helvetica-Oblique Flags: Symbolic, Italic FontBBox: -933, -481, 1571, 1138 FontFile2: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: VKUPLY+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 38 FontDescriptor: FontName: VKUPLY+Helvetica Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: DPDTOB+Symbol FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 33 FontDescriptor: FontName: DPDTOB+Symbol Flags: Symbolic FontBBox: -167, -299, 1094, 827 FontFile2: true ToUnicode: true Font: BaseFont: GAGBSW+HelveticaNeue FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 151 FontDescriptor: FontName: GAGBSW+HelveticaNeue Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -471, -357, 1368, 1210 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: USMSLZ+Helvetica FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 151 FontDescriptor: FontName: USMSLZ+Helvetica Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -951, -481, 1445, 1122 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: WWFAIY+HelveticaNeue-Light FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 121 FontDescriptor: FontName: WWFAIY+HelveticaNeue-Light Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -344, -337, 1246, 1163 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: SYCNOH+Courier FontSubset: true FirstChar: 32 LastChar: 135 FontDescriptor: FontName: SYCNOH+Courier Flags: Nonsymbolic FontBBox: -655, -409, 764, 1089 FontFile2: true Encoding: MacRomanEncoding Font: BaseFont: JUSIVL+HelveticaNeue-Medium FontSubset: true FirstChar: 33 LastChar: 67 FontDescriptor: FontName: JUSIVL+HelveticaNeue-Medium Flags: Symbolic 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