1 00:00:00,400 --> 00:00:02,680 This is an ADLAB PRO video. 2 00:00:02,760 --> 00:00:06,080 ADLAB PRO is a project funded by the European Union. 3 00:00:06,160 --> 00:00:10,000 This video is made available to you on a Creative Commons licence. 4 00:00:10,280 --> 00:00:12,640 Hello. This is Elisa Perego 5 00:00:12,720 --> 00:00:15,920 from the University of Trieste, Italy, 6 00:00:16,040 --> 00:00:19,720 and in this ADLAB PRO video I will describe 7 00:00:19,800 --> 00:00:24,200 the interdisciplinary nature of AD for the arts, 8 00:00:24,280 --> 00:00:28,640 and help you plan a research project in this engaging 9 00:00:28,720 --> 00:00:31,920 yet underexplored field. 10 00:00:32,040 --> 00:00:34,520 This is Unit 10 "Research" 11 00:00:34,640 --> 00:00:38,360 in Module 4 "Semi-live or recorded AD 12 00:00:38,480 --> 00:00:41,560 for static arts and environments" . 13 00:00:41,840 --> 00:00:46,200 Doing research is fascinating but demanding, 14 00:00:46,360 --> 00:00:51,160 and it requires a great deal of preparation, motivation, 15 00:00:51,240 --> 00:00:54,760 precision and organization. 16 00:00:55,040 --> 00:00:59,840 Although AD does not have a very long academic tradition, 17 00:01:00,160 --> 00:01:03,720 we cannot say it is a new discipline. 18 00:01:03,800 --> 00:01:07,320 However, some sub-fields of AD 19 00:01:07,440 --> 00:01:10,640 are still under-investigated, 20 00:01:10,720 --> 00:01:14,840 such as AD for static arts and environments, 21 00:01:14,920 --> 00:01:18,040 where there are still several aspects 22 00:01:18,120 --> 00:01:21,880 that would benefit from further research. 23 00:01:22,120 --> 00:01:26,440 Before tackling this sub-field of AD, 24 00:01:26,520 --> 00:01:30,640 you should be aware of its interdisciplinary nature, 25 00:01:30,760 --> 00:01:35,560 and of the fact that it borrows from various disciplines 26 00:01:35,680 --> 00:01:40,480 such as audiovisual and intersemiotic translation, 27 00:01:40,800 --> 00:01:45,040 linguistics, psychology and aesthetics, 28 00:01:45,200 --> 00:01:50,000 history of art, iconography and iconology, 29 00:01:50,080 --> 00:01:53,560 museum visitor studies, 30 00:01:53,640 --> 00:01:57,320 but also art, museums and touch, 31 00:01:57,400 --> 00:02:01,760 special didactics, disability studies, 32 00:02:01,840 --> 00:02:05,600 and pedagogy for specific learning disabilities, 33 00:02:05,680 --> 00:02:08,240 to mention just a few. 34 00:02:08,560 --> 00:02:13,360 As in all research fields, before you start your project, 35 00:02:13,440 --> 00:02:17,920 you should define and articulate a research question 36 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:21,400 based on a thorough analysis of the literature 37 00:02:21,480 --> 00:02:25,200 and on the theoretical gaps in the field. 38 00:02:25,280 --> 00:02:27,840 Just to give you some examples, 39 00:02:27,920 --> 00:02:31,320 systematic audience or reception 40 00:02:31,400 --> 00:02:35,640 research on the way touch tours, descriptive tours, 41 00:02:35,720 --> 00:02:39,680 live or recorded AD are processed 42 00:02:39,760 --> 00:02:44,280 and to what extent they are appreciated by people 43 00:02:44,360 --> 00:02:48,880 with and without sight loss is still missing. 44 00:02:49,200 --> 00:02:52,440 Once you are sure of your research question, 45 00:02:52,560 --> 00:02:57,360 identify the materials you need and define your methodology. 46 00:02:58,200 --> 00:03:00,920 For instance, if you decide 47 00:03:01,040 --> 00:03:04,920 to carry out a corpus-based linguistics analysis 48 00:03:05,040 --> 00:03:09,240 on a written corpus of museum AD scripts, 49 00:03:09,320 --> 00:03:13,640 you’ll have to allot some time to retrieve the texts 50 00:03:13,720 --> 00:03:16,920 before starting to explore textual data 51 00:03:17,000 --> 00:03:19,000 through a software. 52 00:03:19,280 --> 00:03:23,240 If you prefer to carry out a reception study, 53 00:03:23,400 --> 00:03:26,400 make sure you know how to prepare 54 00:03:26,520 --> 00:03:30,960 and administer questionnaires, to recruit participants, 55 00:03:31,200 --> 00:03:36,000 as well as to collate, gather and analyse data. 56 00:03:36,840 --> 00:03:41,040 In general, the APA Publication Manual 57 00:03:41,120 --> 00:03:43,440 will be helpful if you need a guide 58 00:03:43,520 --> 00:03:48,320 on how to organize your research and publications. 59 00:03:48,560 --> 00:03:52,920 Further issues needing exploration in this field 60 00:03:53,000 --> 00:03:56,480 are the translation of ADs for static art, 61 00:03:56,560 --> 00:04:01,360 but also the implementation of descriptive and touch tours 62 00:04:01,440 --> 00:04:04,880 in culturally marked contexts. 63 00:04:04,960 --> 00:04:08,080 Think for instance of how to describe 64 00:04:08,160 --> 00:04:11,720 items belonging to ethnographic museums, 65 00:04:11,800 --> 00:04:15,000 or very distant forms of art 66 00:04:15,120 --> 00:04:19,920 that do not comply with the traditional Western standards. 67 00:04:20,640 --> 00:04:24,160 If you like this sub-area of AD, 68 00:04:24,240 --> 00:04:27,840 I’m sure you will find your way easily. 69 00:04:27,920 --> 00:04:32,080 There are so many forms of art that can be described 70 00:04:32,160 --> 00:04:36,200 and still need to be approached academically: 71 00:04:36,320 --> 00:04:40,480 think of photography, book illustrations, 72 00:04:40,680 --> 00:04:43,440 puppetry or doll museums, 73 00:04:43,520 --> 00:04:47,960 dress or costume museums, to mention just a few. 74 00:04:48,360 --> 00:04:51,800 And there’s a wide, more or less complex, 75 00:04:51,880 --> 00:04:54,880 and more or less stimulating, 76 00:04:54,960 --> 00:04:58,360 range of means to make them accessible, 77 00:04:58,440 --> 00:05:03,240 depending on how multimodal you want your text to be. 78 00:05:04,040 --> 00:05:08,760 Regular audio description live or pre-recorded 79 00:05:08,880 --> 00:05:12,000 can in fact be successfully paired 80 00:05:12,080 --> 00:05:15,360 with further auditory, tactile, 81 00:05:15,440 --> 00:05:18,400 and even olfactory supports. 82 00:05:18,600 --> 00:05:22,440 Now, a good way to start your research work 83 00:05:22,520 --> 00:05:25,360 can be to go through all the references 84 00:05:25,440 --> 00:05:28,200 that are offered for this unit, 85 00:05:28,280 --> 00:05:33,080 but also to search material online and in libraries. 86 00:05:33,800 --> 00:05:38,600 Do not forget that searching for references or other sources 87 00:05:38,880 --> 00:05:43,000 is part of an active research process. 88 00:05:43,280 --> 00:05:47,320 You can look for guidelines produced by different institutions, 89 00:05:47,400 --> 00:05:52,040 or have a look at the ARSAD seminar programs 90 00:05:52,240 --> 00:05:55,840 to get an idea of the range of topics 91 00:05:55,920 --> 00:05:59,280 that have been dealt with over the years. 92 00:05:59,360 --> 00:06:03,800 You will spot those which fascinate you more 93 00:06:03,880 --> 00:06:06,120 and need further study. 94 00:06:06,400 --> 00:06:09,880 Finally, to collect more information 95 00:06:10,040 --> 00:06:13,160 and learn how to present your results, 96 00:06:13,360 --> 00:06:18,160 you can consider listening to the ADLAB PRO project talks 97 00:06:18,320 --> 00:06:22,040 delivered during our Multiplier Events, 98 00:06:22,240 --> 00:06:27,040 or you can listen to the audio tracks of the YouTube channel 99 00:06:27,120 --> 00:06:31,000 “Audio for All” that we have created. 100 00:06:31,080 --> 00:06:34,240 The channel includes a specific section 101 00:06:34,320 --> 00:06:36,800 on museum accessibility 102 00:06:36,880 --> 00:06:41,680 and a number of museum ADs in different languages. 103 00:06:41,760 --> 00:06:45,720 It will certainly offer some food for thought. 104 00:06:46,000 --> 00:06:49,720 Ultimately, do not forget that research 105 00:06:49,800 --> 00:06:53,960 in the realm of AD for static art and environments 106 00:06:54,120 --> 00:06:58,760 cannot involve just static library work. 107 00:06:58,880 --> 00:07:03,480 Indeed, it can be a very dynamic process. 108 00:07:03,680 --> 00:07:05,880 Move, be active, 109 00:07:05,960 --> 00:07:09,200 visit museums and heritage sites 110 00:07:09,360 --> 00:07:13,160 with and without accessibility facilities. 111 00:07:13,240 --> 00:07:17,440 Talk to as many stakeholders as possible, 112 00:07:17,560 --> 00:07:22,360 including museum staff but also people with sight loss, 113 00:07:22,960 --> 00:07:27,760 whose feedback will be invaluable to guide you in asking yourself 114 00:07:28,080 --> 00:07:32,560 and hopefully answering the right research question. 115 00:07:32,960 --> 00:07:35,960 It is now time for you to try and plan 116 00:07:36,040 --> 00:07:39,360 your research project on art AD. 117 00:07:39,440 --> 00:07:42,160 Do so trying to choose a topic 118 00:07:42,320 --> 00:07:44,960 that really needs to be researched, 119 00:07:45,040 --> 00:07:48,560 and trying to offer a real contribution, 120 00:07:48,640 --> 00:07:50,800 no matter how small. 121 00:07:51,080 --> 00:07:55,880 I am sure you will be inspired by the works of Neves, 122 00:07:55,960 --> 00:08:00,760 Fryer, Candlin, and Hutchinson, to mention just a few. 123 00:08:01,200 --> 00:08:04,440 But also by the work of VocalEyes, 124 00:08:04,520 --> 00:08:07,280 illustrated in their website, 125 00:08:07,360 --> 00:08:12,160 and by the results of the EU project COME-IN!. 126 00:08:12,240 --> 00:08:14,280 Good luck! 127 00:08:15,920 --> 00:08:18,080 The preparation of this presentation 128 00:08:18,160 --> 00:08:21,760 was supported by ADLAB PRO. Audio Description: 129 00:08:21,840 --> 00:08:25,480 A Laboratory for the Development of a New Professional Profile 130 00:08:25,600 --> 00:08:29,880 financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme, 131 00:08:29,960 --> 00:08:33,240 Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships. 132 00:08:33,320 --> 00:08:34,520 Project number: 133 00:08:34,600 --> 00:08:42,960 2016-1-IT02-KA203-024311. 134 00:08:43,520 --> 00:08:46,840 The information and views set out in this presentation 135 00:08:46,920 --> 00:08:49,960 are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect 136 00:08:50,040 --> 00:08:53,120 the official opinion of the European Union. 137 00:08:53,200 --> 00:08:56,560 Neither the European Union institutions and bodies 138 00:08:56,640 --> 00:08:59,160 nor any person acting on their behalf 139 00:08:59,240 --> 00:09:01,080 may be held responsible for the use 140 00:09:01,160 --> 00:09:03,800 which may be made of the information contained therein. 141 00:09:04,000 --> 00:09:06,000 This was an ADLAB PRO video. 142 00:09:06,080 --> 00:09:09,720 ADLAB PRO partners are: University of Trieste, 143 00:09:09,800 --> 00:09:12,800 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 144 00:09:12,880 --> 00:09:16,880 University of Antwerp, Adam Mickiewicz University, 145 00:09:16,960 --> 00:09:19,960 RTV Slovenia, Utopian Voices, 146 00:09:20,040 --> 00:09:24,240 Soundfocus and Royal National Institute of Blind People. 147 00:09:24,320 --> 00:09:27,280 ADLAB PRO was funded by the European Union. 148 00:09:27,360 --> 00:09:31,120 This video was made available to you on a Creative Commons licence.