SUMO-2 and PIAS1 modulate insoluble mutant huntingtin protein accumulation - O'Rourke, Jacqueline Gire (University of California) ; Gareau, Jaclyn R. (Sloan-Kettering Institute) ; Ochaba, Joseph (University of California) ; Song, Wan (University of California) ; Raskó, Tamás (Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecular Medicine) ; Reverter i Cendrós, David (Sloan-Kettering Institute) ; Lee, John (University of Iowa) ; Mas Monteys, Alexandre (University of Iowa) ; Pallos, Judit (University of California) ; Mee, Lisa (University of California) ; Vashishtha, Malini (University of California) ; Apostol, Barbara L. (University of California) ; Nicholson, Thomas Peter (Enzo Life Sciences Ltd.) ; Illes, Katalin (University of California) ; Zhu, Ya-Zhen (University of California) ; Dasso, Mary (National Institute of Child Health and Development) ; Bates, Gillian P. (King's College London) ; Difiglia, Marian (Harvard Medical School) ; Davidson, Beverly (University of Iowa) ; Wanker, Erich E. (Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecular Medicine) ; Marsh, J. Lawrence (University of California) ; Lima, Christopher D. (Sloan-Kettering Institute) ; Steffan, Joan S. (University of California) ; Thompson, Leslie M. (University of California.)
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