Long-term care workforce : employment and working conditions - Dubois, Hans ; Leončikas, Tadas ; Molinuevo, Daniel ; Wilkens, Mathijn ; Godino Pons, Alejandro, col. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Centre d'Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT)) ; Allinger, Bernadette, col. (Forba (Working Life Research Centre)) ; Van Herreweghe, Dries, col. (HIVA Research Institute for Work and Society) ; Lamberts, Miet, col. (HIVA Research Institute for Work and Society) ; Neykov, Ivan, col. (Balkan Institute for Labour and Social Policy) ; Minkova, Maria, col. (Balkan Institute for Labour and Social Policy) ; Kalosinatos, Pavlos, col. (Cyprus Labour Institute (INEK-PEO)) ; Kroupa, Aleš, col. (Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs) ; Vogel, Sandra, col. (IW (German Economic Institute)) ; Breitenbroich, Marc, col. (IW (German Economic Institute)) ; Randrup, Anders, col. (Oxford Research) ; Paat-Ahi, Gerli, col. (Praxis Center for Policy Studies) ; Kousta, Elena, col. (Institouto Ergasias GSEE) ; Turlan, Frédéric, col. (IR Share) ; Kinnunen, Amanda, col. (Oxford Research) ; Firon, Rasmus, col. (Oxford Research) ; Bejakovic, Predrag, col. (Institute of Public Finance) ; Klemenčić, Irena, col. (University of Zagreb) ; Czibere, Károly, col. (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary) ; Krokovay, Nóra, col. (KOPINT-Tárki Institute) ; Murphy, David, col. (Industrial Relations News) ; Pedersini, Roberto, col. (Università degli Studi di Milano) ; Miežienė, Rasa, col. (Lithuanian Social Research Centre) ; Blaziene, Inga, col. (Lithuanian Social Research Centre) ; Lorentz, Nathalie, col. (LISER (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research)) ; Leduc, Kristell, col. (EPC Ltd (Economic Prognosis Centre)LISER (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research)) ; Lanchy, Gaetan de, col. (LISER (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research)) ; Karnite, Raita, col. (EPC Ltd (Economic Prognosis Centre)) ; Fiorini, Luke, col. (University of Malta) ; Van der Graaf, Amber, col. (Panteia) ; Maas, Koen, col. (Panteia) ; Arup Seip, Åsmund, col. (Fafo Institute) ; Zieleńska, Marianna, col. (University of Warsaw) ; Perista, Heloísa, col. (CESIS (Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social)) ; Lima, Maria da Paz Campos, col. (CESIS (Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social)) ; Ghita, Simona, col. (European Institute of Romania) ; Voicu, Nicoleta, col. (SC Euractiv Network SRL) ; Celik, Sirin, col. (Oxford Research) ; Breznik, Maja, col. (Univerza V Ljubljani) ; Bednárik, Rastislav, col. (Institute for Labour and Family Research) ; Keselová, Daniela, col. (Institute for Labour and Family Research) ; Evans, Claire, col. (University of Warwick)
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