Clinical relevance of interictal dysphoric disorder and its impact on quality of life in drug-resistant epilepsy
Monteagudo-Gimeno, Eila 
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Psiquiatria i de Medicina Legal)
Sánchez-González, Roberto 
(Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques)
Raduà-Castaño, J. (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Fortea-González, L. (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Boget-Llucià, Teresa 
(Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Carreño Martínez, Maria del Mar 
(Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Donaire-Pedraza, Antonio Jesús
(Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Bargalló, Núria
(Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Setoain-Perego, X. (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Rumià-Arboix, J. (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Bulbena Vilarrasa, Antonio
(Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques)
Pintor Pérez, Luis
(Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Data: |
2023 |
Resum: |
This study aims to assess the prevalence of Interictal Dysphoric Disorder (IDD) in drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) and to describe its clinical and psychopathological profile, including personality, as well as its impact on quality of life (QOL). A retrospective cross-sectional study from an Epilepsy Unit from January 2007 to December 2017. All patients were diagnosed with DRE. Patients underwent a battery of tests (HADS, SCL-90R, PDQ-4+, QOLIE-31) and a psychiatrist assessed the presence of Axis-I disorders and IDD. Statistical procedures were carried out using R-4. 0. 1 software. A total of 282 patients were included. A statistically significant association was found between IDD and mood and anxiety disorders (p < 0. 001 and p < 0. 05 respectively), and between IDD and higher scores in all HADS and SCL-90-R items compared to subjects without IDD (p < 0. 001). A statistically significant association was also found between IDD and obsessive-compulsive, borderline and depressive personality disorder (p < 0. 05). Scores in all QOLIE-31 items except for 'medication effects' were significantly lower in subjects with IDD compared with subjects without IDD (p < 0. 001). In DRE, IDD subjects show differences in the psychopathological profile and QOL scores compared to subjects without a diagnosis of IDD. An early diagnosis of IDD could facilitate prompt interventions which might positively impact QOL. |
Nota: |
Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UAB |
Drets: |
Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original.  |
Llengua: |
Anglès |
Document: |
Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada |
Matèria: |
Drug-Resistant Epilepsy ;
Interictal Dysphoric Disorder ;
Psychopathology |
Publicat a: |
Epilepsy and Behavior, Vol. 144 (july 2023) , p. 109253, ISSN 1525-5069 |
DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2023.109253
PMID: 37192579
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