Infinite time aggregation for the critical Patlak-Keller-Segel model in R2
Blanchet, Adrien (Centre de Recerca Matemàtica)
Carrillo de la Plata, José Antonio (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Matemàtiques)
Masmoudi, Nader (New York University. Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

Publicación: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica 2007
Descripción: 30 p.
Resumen: We analyze the two-dimensional parabolic-elliptic Patlak-Keller-Segel model in the whole Euclidean space R2. Under the hypotheses of integrable initial data with finite second moment and entropy, we first show local in time existence for any mass of "free-energy solutions", namely weak solutions with some free energy estimates. We also prove that the solution exists as long as the entropy is controlled from above. The main result of the paper is to show the global existence of free-energy solutions with initial data as before for the critical mass 8 Π/Χ. Actually, we prove that solutions blow-up as a delta dirac at the center of mass when t→∞ keeping constant their second moment at any time. Furthermore, all moments larger than 2 blow-up as t→∞ if initially bounded.
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Lengua: Anglès
Colección: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. Prepublicacions
Colección: Prepublicacions del Centre de Recerca Matemàtica ; 734
Documento: Article ; Prepublicació ; Versió de l'autor
Materia: Equacions diferencials ; Geometria projectiva

30 p, 311.3 KB

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