
Articles 106 registres trobats  inicianterior21 - 30següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.01 segons. 
17 p, 272.1 KB Entre la identidad y la política : afinidades, antagonismos y prácticas deportivas en los gimnasios populares autogestionados / Benvenga, Luca (Università del Salento)
El presente trabajo se centra en la importancia del deporte para promover el comportamiento y los valores en relación con un habitus específico. Se muestra cómo este vínculo es particularmente fuerte en el caso de los gimnasios populares autogestionados en Italia, en los que el factor ideológico hace que algunas preocupaciones focales típicas sean funcionales para la construcción de una identidad común entre los participantes en las disciplinas deportivas. [...]
This paper focusses on the importance of sport activities in encouraging behaviours and values in relation to a given habitus. This paper is aimed at showing how this link is particularly strong in the case of self-managed red gyms (palestre popolari ), in which aggregation and ideology reposition some typical focal concerns which are instrumental in building up a shared identity amongst those who take part to the activities. [...]

2020 - 10.5565/rev/periferia.783
Perifèria : revista de recerca i formació en antropologia, Vol. 25 Núm. 1 (2020) , p. 81-97 (Artículos)  
48 p, 4.5 MB Central Italian "Tabernacula" : a Survey / Pasqualetti, Cristiana (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila)
This paper aims to provide an in-depth survey of grand-scale medieval Italian tabernacles and other types of closing altarpieces with all of their wings - or substantial parts thereof - still preserved (1200-1435). [...]
Este trabajo pretende ofrecer un estudio en profundidad de los retablos-tabernáculo medievales italianos de gran tamaño y de otro tipo de retablos cerraderos que aún conservan todos sus paneles o partes sustanciales de los mismos (1200-1435). [...]

2020 - 10.5565/rev/medievalia.515
Medievalia, Vol. 23 Núm. 1 (2020) , p. 183-230  
8 p, 301.2 KB La Liga de Salvini : ¿Un objeto político aún no identificado? / Forti, Steven 1981- (Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Instituto de História Contemporanea (IHC))
Obres ressenyades: Gianluca PASSARELLI y Dario TUORTO, La Lega di Salvini. Estrema destra di governo. Bolonia: Il Mulino, 2018 ; Giovanni DIAMANTI y Lorenzo PREGLIASCO (eds. ), Fenomeno Salvini. Chi è, come comunica, perché lo votano. [...]
Tiempo devorado, Vol. 6 Núm. 1 (2019) , p. 92-100 (Ressenyes)  
20 p, 257.5 KB La República aïllada diplomàticament i militarment / Sánchez Cervelló, Josep (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
La República perdé la guerra perquè els seus enemics eren molt poderosos. El Regne Unit, que encara es pensava que controlava el món, tenia una visió patològica d'Espanya i dels seus habitants. [...]
La República perdió la guerra porque sus enemigos eran muy poderosos. El Reino Unido que todavía creía que controlaba el mundo, tenía una visión patológica de España y de sus habitantes. Por eso prefirieron la victoria de Franco, porque éste, como mínimo, garantizaba los intereses británicos en el país. [...]
The II Spanish Republic lost the Civil War because its enemies were very powerful. The United Kingdom, that still believed it controlled the world, had a pathological vision of Spain and its inhabitants. [...]

2019 - 10.5565/rev/rubrica.182
Rúbrica contemporánea, Vol. 8 Núm. 16 (2019) , p. 3-22 (Dossier)  
3 p, 181.8 KB Giulia Guazzaloca. Primo: non maltrattare. Storia della protezione degli animali in Italia - Laterza (Bari-Roma 2018) / Salzani, Carlo
Obra ressenyada: Giulia GUAZZALOCA, Primo: non maltrattare. Storia della protezione degli animali in Italia. Bari-Roma : Laterza, 2018.
En Primo: non maltrattare la historiadora Giulia Guazzaloca relata la historia de los movimientos italianos de protección de lo animales desde la unificación de Italia (1861) hasta nuestros días. Con abundancia de datos, fechas y detalles, Guazzaloca muestra como, desde una position de relativo atraso y de dependencia de las ayudas culturales y económicas extranjeras, los movimientos proteccionistas italianos se pusieron rápidamente al nivel y se desarrollaron como sus homólogos de Europa del Norte y de Estados Unidos. [...]
In Primo: non maltrattare, historian Giulia Guazzaloca tells the story of Italian animal protection movements from Italy's unification (1861) to these days. With abundance of data, dates and details, Guazzaloca shows how, from a position of relative backwardness and dependence from foreign cultural and economic supports, Italian protection movements quickly caught up and developed to the same level of their homologous in Northern Europe and the United States. [...]

2019 - 10.5565/rev/da.454
dA Derecho Animal : Forum of Animal Law Studies, Vol. 10 Núm. 4 (2019) , p. 159-161 (Reseñas)  
14 p, 133.5 KB Vittorio Bodini, "un traductor genial, un hombre genial, un poeta genial" / Albertocchi, Giovanni (Universitat de Girona)
La presente nota prende avvio da una serie di pubblicazioni apparse sulla figura di Vittorio Bodini, poeta, ispanista, critico, agit-prop culturale a favore del meridione, ecc. , scomparso nel 1970. Il nucleo bibliografico su cui si è lavorato è costituito fondamentalmente dagli Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi Vittorio Bodini fra Sud ed Europa (1914-2014), curati da Antonio Lucio Giannone e da alcune pubblicazioni di una collana di testi, la "Bodiniana", che ripropone, aggiornandola anche con inediti conservati nell'Archivio Bodini, la produzione dello scrittore. [...]
The present note sets out to review several publications on the figure of Vittorio Bodini, a poet, a hispanist, and a cultural activist for Italy's Mezzogiorno, who died in 1970. Its main object are the proceedings of the international study conference Vittorio Bodini fra Sud ed Europa (1914-2014), edited by Antonio Lucio Giannone; it also considers several volumes of a series which under the title "Bodiniana" offers new editions of his publications, together with unpublished material from the Archivio Bodini. [...]

2019 - 10.5565/rev/qdi.432
Quaderns d'Italià, Vol. 24 (2019) , p. 161-174 (Articoli)  
10 p, 84.6 KB Dimensioni e prospettive urbane; campioni e modalità di indagine in "Viaggio in Italia" di Guido Piovene / Zava, Alberto (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia)
Nel suo lungo itinerario attraverso l'Italia degli anni Cinquanta, Guido Piovene compie un'impresa di ricerca, di indagine e di comprensione di una realtà complessa, variegata e in perenne mutamento. [...]
During his long itinerary across 1950s Italy, Guido Piovene carried out a research expedition, investigation and understanding of a complex, varied and ever-changing reality. Viaggio in Italia is the meeting point between the Vicentine journalist's impeccable capacity for analysis and observation and his writing capacity for conveying the nuances of the real and the human soul. [...]

2019 - 10.5565/rev/qdi.429
Quaderns d'Italià, Vol. 24 (2019) , p. 45-54 (Dossier 1)  
12 p, 90.8 KB "L'immenso fuoco del sud" : Fosco Maraini viaggiatore in Italia / Marfè, Luigi (Università di Padova)
Scrittore, antropologo, fotografo, poeta, viaggiatore, Fosco Maraini ha dedicato gran parte della sua vita alle culture dell'Asia. Tra gli anni quaranta e cinquanta, tuttavia, fu impegnato in un grande progetto di scrittura e fotografia sul meridione italiano, Nostro Sud, rimasto incompiuto. [...]
A writer, anthropologist, photographer, poet, and traveller, Fosco Maraini devoted his whole life to Asian cultures. However, between the forties and the fifties, he worked to a great photographic and literary project on the landscape of southern Italy, which would have been titled Nostro Sud(Our South), but remained uncompleted. [...]

2019 - 10.5565/rev/qdi.426
Quaderns d'Italià, Vol. 24 (2019) , p. 55-66 (Dossier 1)  
56 p, 1.4 MB GDP and life expectancy in Italy and Spain over the long run : a time-series approach / Felice, Emanuele (Università 'G. D'Annunzio') ; Pujol, Josep (Pujol Andreu) (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Economia i d'Història Econòmica) ; D'Ippoliti, Carlo (Università degli Studi di Roma)
Background A growing body of literature focuses on the relationship between life expectancy and GDP per capita. However, available studies to date are overwhelmingly based on either cross-country or cross-sectional data. [...]
2016 - 10.4054/DemRes.2016.35.28
Demographic research, Vol. 35 Núm. 1 (2016) , p. 813-866  
12 p, 107.0 KB Dos regímenes de verdad en la Italia posterior a Berlusconi / Pozzato, Maria Pia (Universidad de Bolonia)
El trabajo se plantea como objetivo la reconstrucción del recorrido de la política italiana desde la condena firme de Silvio Berlusconi hasta la consolidación del liderazgo de Matteo Renzi a través del vehículo principal de información política en Italia: la televisión y en particular los programas de debate o talk shows de máxima audiencia. [...]
This essay focuses on the period of italian politics from silvio Berlusconi's conviction to the appointment of matteo Renzi as prime minister, studying it in what is still the most important information medium in Italy, television, where politics are particularly discussed in prime time political talk-shows. [...]
of Renzi as premier provoked a deep change of the public debate: by then, political debates on media have been constantly focused on the need to verify Renzi's goals and promises through facts. In this essay, I will follow these recent political changes in italy in a detailed way, with a particular stress on their passionate roots, for instance hate and vengeance in the Berlusconi's period, followed by feelings of hope in Renzi's period, feelings which by defnition pertain to a future dimension.

DeSignis, Núm. 24 (Enero-Junio 2016) , p. 133-144  

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