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10 p, 3.1 MB Ion bombardment induced formation of self-organized wafer-scale GaInP nanopillar assemblies / Visser, Dennis (Kungl. Tekniska högskolan (Estocolm (Suècia)) ; Jaramillo Fernández, Juliana (Kungl. Tekniska högskolan (Estocolm (Suècia)) ; Haddad, Gabriel (Kungl. Tekniska högskolan (Estocolm (Suècia)) ; Sotomayor Torres, Clivia M. (Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia) ; Anand, Srinivasan (Kungl. Tekniska högskolan (Estocolm (Suècia))
Ion sputtering assisted formation of nanopillars is demonstrated as a wafer-scale, lithography-free fabrication method to obtain high optical quality gallium indium phosphide (GaInP) nanopillars. Compared to binary materials, little has been reported on the formation of self-organized ternary nanostructures. [...]
2020 - 10.1116/1.5127265
Journal of vacuum science and technology. B, Nanotechnology & microelectronics, Vol. 38, issue 1 (Jan. 2020) , art. 12801  

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