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Documentos de investigación, Encontrados 1 registros
Documentos de investigación Encontrados 1 registros  
91 p, 5.2 MB D2.2. EVs current status in different communities and way to move forward / Bombelli, Antonio ; Serral, Ivette (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; Blonda, Palma ; Maso, Joan ; Plag, Hans-Peter ; Jules-Plag, Shelley ; McCallum, Ian ; ConnectinGEO
Report on the Essential Variables current status in the scientific community and the strategy to push them forward. This report summarizes the results of the workshop "Towards a sustainability process for GEOSS Essential Variables (EVs)," at which the current status of the EV discussions in a number of communities was reviewed and recommendations for the further development of a general process for the identification and validation of the EVs were developed.

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