Results overview: Found 20 records in 0.02 seconds.
Articles, 13 records found
Contributions to meetings and congresses, 2 records found
Books and collections, 1 records found
Research literature, 4 records found
Articles 13 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record:
1.4 MB Factors Influencing Carbon Stocks and Accumulation Rates in Eelgrass Meadows Across New England, USA / Novak, Alyssa (Boston University. Earth and Environment) ; Pelletier, M. C. (Atlantic Ecology Division) ; Colarusso, Phil (Environmental Protection Agency) ; Simpson, J. (MIT Sea Grant) ; Gutierrez, M. N. (Atlantic Ecology Division) ; Arias Ortiz, Ariane (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals) ; Charpentier, M. (General Dynamics Corporation) ; Masqué Barri, Pere (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Física) ; Vella, P. (Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management)
Increasing the protection of coastal vegetated ecosystems has been suggested as one strategy to compensate for increasing carbon dioxide (CO) in the atmosphere as the capacity of these habitats to sequester and store carbon exceeds that of terrestrial habitats. [...]
2020 - 10.1007/s12237-020-00754-9
Estuaries and Coasts, Vol. 43, Issue 8 (December 2020) , p. 2076-2091  
54 p, 2.2 MB O Sonho da Cruz : a tradição cristã bizantina na Inglaterra anglo-saxônica e a tradução do poema original ao português / Medeiros, Elton O. S. (Universidade de São Paulo)
Um dos principais símbolos da tradição cristã é a Santa Cruz, na qual Cristo foi executado. Contudo, diferentemente da concepção de um instrumento de tortura, na tradição que se desenvolveu, a Cruz surge como um símbolo de vitória, conquista sobre a morte e foco principal de adoração desde o início da Era Cristã e na Alta Idade Média. [...]
One of the main symbols of the Christian tradition is the Holy Cross on which Christ was executed. However, unlike the conception of an instrument of torture, in the tradition that was developed, the Cross emerges as a symbol of victory, conquest over death, and the primary symbol of worship since the beginning of the Christian Era and during the Early Middle Ages. [...]

Mirabilia, Núm. 29 (jun-dez 2019) , p. 199-252 (Special Issue)  
16 p, 275.6 KB Recepció de l'escultura catalana moderna al món anglosaxó : l'obra de William Kineton Parkes (1865-1938) / Rodríguez-Samaniego, Cristina (Universitat de Barcelona)
L'objectiu d'aquest article és presentar la figura de l'intel·lectual anglès William Kineton Parkes (1865-1938) i analitzar-ne les idees fonamentals amb un èmfasi particular en els escultors catalans que estudià per poder-les contextualitzar en el marc de la bibliografia especialitzada apareguda a Catalunya de forma coetània. [...]
This paper touches on the written oeuvre of the English scholar William Kineton Parkes (1865-1938) with a special focus on his ideas on Catalan sculpture in order to contribute to a comparison with contemporary Catalan literature. [...]
El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar la figura del intelectual inglés William Kineton Parkes (1865-1938) y analizar sus ideas fundamentales con un énfasis particular en los escultores catalanes que estudió para poder-las contextualitzar en el marco de la bibliografía especializada aparecida en Cataluña de forma coetánea. [...]

2019 - 10.5565/rev/locus.346
Locus amoenus, Vol. 17 (2019) , p. 135-150 (Articles)  
22 p, 611.0 KB Inglaterra y la Monarquía hispana : la guerra anglo-española de 1625-1630 y el conflicto europeo / Sanz Camañes, Porfirio (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
Los esporádicos enfrentamientos hispano-ingleses, entre 1625 y 1630, tuvieron como telón de fondo el gran conflicto europeo que estaba arrasando, sobre todo, el centro y norte de Europa. España e Inglaterra se vieron arrastrados a un conflicto con implicaciones dinásticas y tintes confesionales. [...]
The Anglo-Spanish War, between 1625 and 1630, was strongly connected to the great European conflict that was devastating, above all, the center and north of Europe. Spain and England were dragged into a conflict with dynastic implications and confessional origins. [...]
Els esporàdics enfrontaments hispano-anglesos, entre 1625 i 1630, van tenir com a teló de fons el gran conflicte europeu que arrasava, sobretot, el centre i el nord d'Europa. Espanya i Anglaterra es van veure arrossegats a un conflicte amb implicacions dinàstiques i caires confessionals. [...]

2018 - 10.5565/rev/manuscrits.225
Manuscrits, Núm. 38 (2018) , p. 51-72 (Dossier)  
28 p, 4.1 MB ¿Educación o motivación? : La exposición "Human Biology" y el nuevo esquema expositivo del Natural History Museum de Londres, 1968-1977 / Corral Guillé, Gustavo
This article analyzes changes made in the exhibition program of the London Natural History Museum (NHM) throughout the 1970s, moving from a discourse based on real specimens to one centered on audiovisual media, interactive devices, and highly structured scripts. [...]
Este ensayo analiza el proceso de cambio que experimentó el Natural History Museum (NHM) de Londres en su programa expositivo a lo largo de la década de 1970 durante el desarrollo del denominado New Exhibition Scheme (NES), que pasó de un discurso basado en especímenes reales a uno centrado en medios audiovisuales, dispositivos interactivos y guiones altamente estructurados. [...]

Dynamis : Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque. Historiam Illustrandam, Vol. 38 Núm. 2 (2018) , p. 477-504 (Articles)  
27 p, 704.4 KB As fábulas na Tapeçaria de Bayeux : inter-relações entre margem e centro na narrativa da conquista da Inglaterra no século XI / dos Reis, Jaime Estevão (Universidade Estadual de Maringá (Brasil)) ; Zierer, Adriana (Universidade Federal do Maranhão (Brasil)) ; Ferrarese, Lúcio Carlos
Este artigo tem por objetivo compreender o papel que as fábulas retratadas nas ilustrações marginais da Tapeçaria de Bayeux desempenham em relação à narrativa principal. Apresentamos o contexto histórico da criação desta fonte referente à Batalha de Hastings de 1066, as relações entre a narrativa e seu contexto, com as fábulas. [...]
This article's objective is to comprehend the role that the fables depicted in the marginal illustrations of the Bayeux Tapestry perform towards the main narrative. We present the historical context of the source's creation, concerning the Battle of Hastings of 1066, the relations between the narrative and its context, with the fables. [...]

Mirabilia, Núm. 20 (January-June 2015) , p. 1-27 (Thematic number)  
43 p, 339.6 KB La transformación de ciudades en conceptos en el mundo medieval y en el mundo moderno : Roma y Troya / Jiménez Sureda, Montserrat (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Història Moderna i Contemporània)
Este artículo trata sobre cómo poderes políticos, eclesiásticos y culturales transformaron ciudades en conceptos e iconos a lo largo de las épocas medieval y moderna. Se focaliza en los casos emblemáticos de Roma y de Troya y se alude a Babilonia. [...]
This article deals about how political, ecclesiastic and cultural powers have transformed cities into concepts and icons thoughtout Medieval and Early Modern Times. It is focused in the emblematic cases of Rome and Troy and it alludes to Babylon, as well. [...]

Intus - legere : historia, Vol. 8 Núm. 2 (2014) , p. 91-133  
13 p, 96.0 KB Os dois corpos do rei na Inglaterra Anglo-Saxônica / Falbel, Nachman (Universidade de São Paulo) ; Medeiros, Elton O. S. (Universidade de São Paulo)
Desde o princípio do período medieval, uma das figuras de destaque na sociedade é o rei. Sua presença é fundamental para o equilíbrio social, uma vez que ele não é apenas o governante de seu povo, mas também representa os poderes divinos manifestados através de sua pessoa. [...]
Since the beginnings of the medieval period, one of the most prominent characters in this kind of society is the king. His presence is extremely important to the social harmony, hence the king is not only the ruler of the people, but also represents the godly powers that manifest through him. [...]

Mirabilia, Núm. 9 (Desembre 2009) , p. 62-74  
39 p, 385.8 KB Alfred o Grande e a linhagem sagrada de Wessex : a construção de um mito de origem na Inglaterra anglo-saxônica / Medeiros, Elton O. S. (Universidade de São Paulo)
No final do século IX, as ações tomadas pelo rei Alfred, o Grande, foram decisivas para a sobrevivência da Inglaterra anglo-saxônica contra os vikings. Seu resgate cultural iria mudar a sociedade anglo-saxônica, reforçando as defesas do reino, a política e possibilitar a unificação da Inglaterra em meados do século X sob o governo do rei Athelstan. [...]
In the end of 9th century, the actions taken by King Alfred the Great were decisive for the survival of the Anglo-Saxon England against the Vikings. His cultural revival would change the Anglo-Saxon society, reinforcing the defenses of the kingdom, the politics and enable the unification of England in the mid-10th century under king Athelstan's reign. [...]

Mirabilia, Núm. 13 (2011) , p. 134-172  
12 p, 217.1 KB El papel de la monarquía en la Inglaterra del siglo XVIII / Black, Jeremy
En aquest article, Black es planteja una nova visió del paper de la monarquia anglesa per acabar amb la idea d'excepcionalitat britànica basada en una monarquia parlamentària com a fil conductor de la història anglesa. [...]
En este artículo, Black se plantea una nueva visión del papel de la monarquía inglesa para acabar con la idea de la excepcionalidad británica basada en una monarquía parlamentaria como hilo conductor de la historia inglesa. [...]
In this article, a new vision of the role of the English monarchy is suggested by Black to finish with the idea of British excepcionality based on a parliamentary monarchy as a conducting thread of the English history. [...]

Manuscrits, N. 23 (2005) p. 151-162  

Articles : 13 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
Contributions to meetings and congresses 2 records found  
16 p, 858.3 KB Changes in the well-being of same-sex couples following the legalization of same-sex marriage in England and Wales / Boertien, Diederik (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics) ; Vignoli, Daniele (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
European Population Conference (EPC). Brussel·les (Bèlgica), : 2018  
7 p, 149.7 KB Changes in the well-being of same-sex couples following the legalization of same-sex marriage in England and Wales / Boertien, Diederik (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics) ; Vignoli, Daniele (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
In this paper, we address the question to what extent the subjective well-being of same sex couples changed following the legalization of same-sex marriage in England and Wales in March 2014. We employ data from the Annual Population Survey to examine changes in several aspects of well-being during the period before and after legalization. [...]
Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting. Denver (Estats Units d'Amèrica), : 2018  

Books and collections 1 records found  
14 p, 201.7 KB Diego de Silva y Mendoza, conde de Salinas, e Inglaterra : una perspectiva desde Madrid y Lisboa / Dadson, Trevor J. (Queen Mary University of London)
En abril de 1605 Diego de Silva y Mendoza, conde de Salinas y Ribadeo, formó parte de la comitiva que salió de Valladolid para recibir a la delegación inglesa, encabezada por Lord Howard de Effingham, que venía a ratificar el tratado de paz firmado el año anterior en Somerset House, Londres. [...]
In April 1605 Diego de Silva y Mendoza, Count of Salinas and Ribadeo, was part of the group that rode out of Valladolid to receive the English delegation, led by Lord Howard of Effingham, who had come to ratify the peace treaty signed the year before in Somerset House, London. [...]

Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Grup de Recerca d'Estudis d'Història Cultural, 2020
Pasados y presente. Estudios para el profesor Ricardo García Cárcel, 2020, p. 339-352  

Research literature 4 records found  
40 p, 366.4 KB Margaret Hale as a Transformative Mediator: bridging the divide between masters and men in Elizabeth Gaskell's "North and South" (1854-1855) / Roldán Farrés, Marta ; Blanch Serrat, Francesca, dir. ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística
Victorian industrial novels reflect the socio-economic complexities of the Industrial Revolution in England. In North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell explores the conflicting relationship between manufacturers and workers. [...]
Les novel·les industrials victorianes reflecteixen les complexitats socioeconòmiques de la Revolució Industrial a Anglaterra. A Nord i Sud, Elizabeth Gaskell explora la conflictiva relació entre patrons i treballadors. [...]
Las novelas industriales victorianas reflejan las complejidades socioeconómicas de la Revolución Industrial en Inglaterra. En Norte y Sur, Elizabeth Gaskell explora la conflictiva relación entre patronos y trabajadores. [...]

Grau en Estudis Anglesos [1482]  
23 p, 418.9 KB Calibrating central banks' mandate : central banking objectives, tasks, and measures within unitary and federal constitutional settings / Petit, Christy Ann
In a context of institutional flexibility and political necessity, central banks' responses to the recent crises modelled the scope of their mandate, in law and in action. The current mandates of the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve System, the Bank of Canada, and of the Bank of England are examined in their constitutional, statutory, and/or legal sources. [...]
The ADEMU Working Paper Series is being supported by the European Commission Horizon 2020 European Union funding for Research & Innovation, grant agreement No 649396.

2017 (ADEMU Working Paper Series ; 80)  
34 p, 734.6 KB Double Modals in the British Isles : Scotland and Northern England / Novich More, Anna ; Tubau Muntaña, Susagna, dir. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
The purpose of this study is to analyse the accepted double modal combinations in the British Isles found in the literature. The paper begins with the collection of different syntactical analysis suggested by well-known researches that have analysed the non-standard feature of double modals. [...]
L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és analitzar les combinacions dels dobles modals acceptades a les Illes Britàniques segons la literatura. El treball comença amb diferents propostes d'anàlisi sintàctic fetes per diferents investigadors que han analitzat els dobles modals. [...]

Grau en Estudis Anglesos [801]  
328 p, 965.6 KB This is England : teoría, problemas y traducción para subtitulado / Osorio Ríos, Jesús ; Chaplin, Catherine Alexandra, dir. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Traducció i d'Interpretació i d'Estudis de l'Àsia Oriental) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Traducció i d'Interpretació
El punto principal de este TFG es la elaboración de una traducción de la película This is England, de Shane Meadows, y su posterior preparación para subtítulos. A lo largo del trabajo se recogen diferentes puntos teóricos que se seguirán durante el proceso de traducción para obtener el mejor resultado possible. [...]
El punt principal d'aquest TFG és l'elaboració d'una traducció de la pel·lícula This is England, de Shane Meadows, i la seva posterior preparació per a subtítols. Al llarg del treball es recullen diferents punts teòrics que se seguiran durant el procés de traducció per obtenir el millor resultat possible. [...]
This project's main point is the translation of Shane Meadows' This is England and its subsequent preparation for subtitling. Many theoretical issues are gathered throughout the document and will be used in order to achieve the best translation possible. [...]

Grau en Traducció i Interpretació [1204]  

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