Resultados globales: 3 registros encontrados en 0.03 segundos.
Artículos, Encontrados 3 registros
Artículos Encontrados 3 registros  
22 p, 279.6 KB Romance exclamative markers at the syntax-pragmatics interface : A compositional approach to exclamativity / Villalba, Xavier 1969- (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Catalana)
In this paper I will analyze the set of markers that have been associated with exclamative sentencetype and exclamations in Romance, like Catalan ma, mira, que, and si, Italian guarda and che, or Spanish mira, que, si, and vaya. [...]
28 p, 566.6 KB A Surprise in the Past : The Historical Origins of the Catalan go-past / Cruschina, Silvio (University of Helsinki) ; Kocher, Anna (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Crosslinguistically, the development of the verb go into a future tense is a common path of grammaticalization. In contrast, the past meaning of the go-periphrasis in Catalan is unexpected. Detges (2004) claims that the process of grammaticalization of the Catalan periphrastic perfect went from inchoative to foregrounding to past. [...]
El desenvolupament del verb de moviment go en un temps verbal de futur es un procés de gramaticalització comú des d'un punt de vista comparatiu. En canvi, es inesperat que en català la perifrasis amb el verb go+infinitiu adquireixi un sentit de temps passat. [...]

2022 - 10.5565/rev/catjl.379
Catalan journal of linguistics, Vol. 21 (2022) , p. 159-186 (Articles)  
22 p, 404.4 KB "Hot news" and perfect change : mirativity and the semantics/pragmatics interface / Ritz, Marie-Eve (The University of Western Australia)
This paper proposes an analysis of the hot news Present Perfect (PP) building on Nishiyama & Koenig's (2010) analysis of the perfect as denoting a perfect state introduced by a variable that needs to be pragmatically enriched. [...]
En aquest article es proposa una anàlisi del perfet de passat recent o hot news basada en l'anàlisi de Nishiyama & Koenig (2010) on s'analitza el perfet com una categoria que denota un 'estat perfet' introduït per una variable que necessita ser pragmàticament enriquida. [...]

2018 - 10.5565/rev/catjl.245
Catalan journal of linguistics, Vol. 17 (2018) , p. 135-155 (Articles)  

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