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Documents de recerca, 1 registres trobats
Documents de recerca 1 registres trobats  
100 p, 4.9 MB Intervención con víctimas de sectas coercitivas de ámbito esotérico en Cataluña / Garcia Aliaga, Tania ; Zurera Benito, Laura, dir. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Ciència Política i de Dret Públic) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Dret
El presente trabajo pretende analizar las repercusiones psicológicas que presentan las víctimas de sectas coercitivas y la falta de recursos y ayudas suficientes a las mismas, con el objetivo de crear un programa de intervención. [...]
This paper aims to analyse the psychological repercussions of the victims of coercive sects and the lack of sufficient resources and aid for them, with the aim of creating an intervention programme. Why are coercive sects still taboo in our society today? To what extent are we aware of the rise of these sects in our country and the dangers that their lack of investigation entails? To this end, a theoretical investigation of the concept, origin and typologies of coercive sects is carried out, followed by an in-depth analysis of the coercive persuasion techniques used to recruit followers, and the long-term psychological consequences for them of belonging to this type of coercive group. [...]

Grau en Criminologia i Grau en Dret [1411]  

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