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Artículos, Encontrados 1 registros
Artículos Encontrados 1 registros  
2.0 MB Endozoochory of seeds and invertebrates by migratory waterbirds in Oklahoma, USA / Green, Andy J. (Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC). Departmento de Ecología de Humedales) ; Frisch, Dagmar (University of Oklahoma Biological Station) ; Michot, Thomas C. (University of Louisiana. Institute for Coastal Ecology and Engineering) ; Allain, Larry K. (United States Geological Survey) ; Barrow, Wylie C. (United States Geological Survey)
Given their abundance and migratory behavior, waterbirds have major potential for dispersing plants and invertebrates within North America, yet their role as vectors remains poorly understood. We investigated the numbers and types of invertebrates and seeds within freshly collected faecal samples (n = 22) of migratory dabbling ducks and shorebirds in November 2008 in two parts of Lake Texoma in southern Oklahoma. [...]
Debido a su abundancia y a sus migraciones, las aves acuáticas tienen un gran potencial como dispersores de plantas e invertebrados en el Norte de América, pero su papel como vectores apenas se ha estudiado. [...]

Limnética, Vol. 32, Núm. 1 (2013) , p. 39-46  

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