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Artículos, Encontrados 1 registros
Artículos Encontrados 1 registros  
28 p, 876.8 KB A TV Dante - Cantos I-VIII (1989) by Peter Greenaway and Tom Phillips : a "symbolical translation" of Dante's Inferno for television / Kretschmann, Tabea (Universität Erlangen)
For their film version of the first eight cantos from Dante's Inferno, A TV Dante - Cantos I-VIII (1989), Peter Greenaway and Tom Phillips developed a completely new and highly innovative adaptation strategy: Based on an earlier illustration cycle and translation of Dante's Inferno by Tom Phillips, Greenaway and Phillips conceived A TV Dante as a new edition of the artist book. [...]
Nell'affrontare la loro versione filmata degli otto primi canti dell'Inferno, (A TV Dante - Cantos I-VIII del 1989), Peter Greenaway e Tom Phillips svilupparono una strategia di adattamento affatto nuova ed innovativa. [...]

2015 - 10.5565/rev/dea.33
Dante e l'Arte, Vol. 2 (2015) , p. 227-254 (Articoli)  

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