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Artículos, Encontrados 6 registros
Artículos Encontrados 6 registros  
28 p, 429.2 KB Anglicisms in CREA : a Quantitative Analysis in Spanish Newspapers / Núñez Nogueroles, Eugenia Esperanza (Universidad de Granada)
El uso de anglicismos en la lengua española hoy en día es perceptible en diversos ámbitos. En este artículo se analizará uno de ellos: la prensa contemporánea. Se realizará una búsqueda de un total de 2198 anglicismos en el Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual (CREA), aplicando filtros de fecha (2001 - 2004), medio (prensa) y localización geográfica (España). [...]
The use of Anglicisms in the Spanish language nowadays is noticeable in different spheres. One of them will be analysed in this article: the contemporary press. I will look up a total number of 2198 Anglicisms in the Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual (CREA), applying several filters: date (2001 - 2004), medium press), and geographical location (Spain). [...]

Language design : journal of theoretical and experimental linguistics, Vol. 18 (2016) , p. 215-242  
10 p, 471.0 KB Etrusco "*huσ, huσ(i)ur" : ¿un préstamo del griego ὗς / ὑύς? / López Montero, Roberto (Universidad Pontificia Comillas)
En este artículo se plantea la posibilidad de relacionar el término etrusco *huσ, huσ(i)ur con el griego ὗς / ὑύς. Aparte de la semejanza fonética y de la equivalencia semántica, existen otros elementos que permiten sugerir que el etrusco *huσ, huσ(i)ur puede ser considerado un préstamo del griego ὗς / ὑύς. [...]
En aquest article es planteja la possibilitat de relacionar el terme etrusc *huσ, huσ(i)ur amb el grec ὗς / ὑύς. A part de la semblança fonètica i de l'equivalència semàntica, existeixen altres elements que permeten suggerir que l'etrusc *huσ, huσ(i)ur pot ser considerat un préstec del grec ὗς / ὑύς. [...]
In this paper, the author suggests the possibility of relating the Etruscan term *huσ, huσ(i)ur to Greek ὗς / ὑύς. Apart from the phonetic similarity and the semantic equivalence, there exist other elements which allow to suggest that the Etruscan term *huσ, huσ(i)ur can be considered a loanword from Greek ὗς / ὑύς. [...]

Faventia, Vol. 34-36 (2012-2014) , p. 111-120 (Articles)  
34 p, 478.6 KB Terms related to the family in Ugaritic / Watson, Wilfred G. E.
Ugaritic words for the clan and the family home, members of the family, infants and children, marriage and childbirth, domestics and inheritance are listed, together with their cognates in other Semitic languages and their equivalents in Afro-Asiatic, Indo-European and other language groups. [...]
Historiae, Núm. 10 (2013) , p. 17-50  
6 p, 47.0 KB Current work on Egyptian lexicography / Watson, Wilfred G. E.
This is a brief survey of work, past and present, on the meanings of words in ancient Egyptian, with the emphasis on more recent projects. It includes descriptions of the dictionaries of Egyptian (including Coptic and Demotic)that are available in print and online. [...]
Historiae, Núm. 7 (2010) , p. 91-96  
23 p, 523.3 KB The Adaptation of English Liquids in Contemporary Korean : a Diachronic Study / Kang, Yoonjung (University of Toronto Scarborough. Centre for French and Linguistics)
This paper examines the diachronic development of English liquid adaptation in Contemporary Korean (1890-Present) based on a number of loanword lists from different time periods. The examination of initial liquids shows that contrary to common assumption, the initial liquids are often realized as [n], showing that the Tu?m rule (a rule of initial liquid avoidance) is still active, although marginally. [...]
2012 - 10.5565/rev/catjl.10
Catalan journal of linguistics, Vol. 11, Núm. (2012) , p. 41-63  
40 p, 287.4 KB Loanword Phonology, Lexical Exceptions, Morphologically Driven Underapplication, and the Nature of Positionally Biased Constraints / Pons, Clàudia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Centre de Lingüística Teòrica) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Catalana
In this paper we provide a formal account for underapplication of vowel reduction to schwa in Majorcan Catalan loanwords and learned words. On the basis of the comparison of these data with those concerning productive derivation and verbal inflection, which show analogous patterns, in this paper we also explore the existing -and not yet acknowledged- correlation between those processes that exhibit a particular behaviour in the loanword phonology with respect to the native phonology of the language, those processes that show lexical exceptions and those processes that underapply due to morphological reasons. [...]
En aquest article es fa una proposta formal del fenomen de subaplicació de la reducció vocàlica que té lloc en els manlleus i les paraules apreses amb e àtona del català de Mallorca. La comparació d'aquest fenomen amb el que ocorre en la derivació productiva i la flexió verbal del mateix dialecte, amb uns patrons anàlegs, permet explorar, també, la correlació que s'estableix entre els processos que presenten un comportament peculiar en la fonologia dels manlleus respecte a la fonologia regular de la llengua, els processos amb excepcions lèxiques i els processos que no s'apliquen per raons morfològiques. [...]

2012 - 10.5565/rev/catjl.13
Catalan journal of linguistics, Vol. 11, Núm. (2012) , p. 127-166  

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