Llenguatge criminològic [100472]
de Grande de Bruyne, Michael
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Dret

Date: 2013-14
Abstract: Within the general framework of the related degree, the student is expected to be able to demonstrate they have attained and understood basic criminological theories and can critically reflect on them in English. In addtion students should be able to transmit this knowledge to a specialized public and to the general population, present responses to the problems of crime and criminals and the resulting social conflict while taking into account the rights and interests of all involved parties and utilizing the values of social pacification, social integration and the prevention of new conflicts. The specific learning objectives of the course are the following: 1. Be able to correctly define basic criminological vocabulary in English 2. Be able to write a basic text in English using criminological concepts correctly. 2. Be able to talk about, explain and give presentations in English using criminological concepts correctly.
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Language: Català
Studies: Criminologia [2500257]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

4 p, 101.8 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Course materials > Course guides

 Record created 2013-06-25, last modified 2023-01-28

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