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Effectiveness of influenza vaccine against laboratory-confirmed influenza, in the late 2011-2012 season in Spain, among population targeted for vaccination
Jiménez Jorge, Silvia (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)
Mateo, Salvador de (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)
Delgado-Sanz, Concha (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)
Pozo Rodríguez, Francisco (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)
Casas, Inmaculada (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)
García Cenoz, Manuel (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)
Castilla, Jesus (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)
Pérez, Esteban (Andalusia. Consejería de Salud)
Gallardo-García, Virtudes (Andalusia. Consejería de Salud)
Rodriguez, Carolina (Castella i Lleó. Consejería de Sanidad)
Vega, Tomás (Castella i Lleó. Consejería de Sanidad)
Quiñones, Carmen (Rioja. Subdirección de Salud Pública)
Martínez, Eva (Rioja. Subdirección de Salud Pública)
Vanrell, Juana María (Balears. Dirección General de Salut Pública)
Giménez, Jaume (Balears. Dirección General de Salut Pública)
Castrillejo, Daniel (Melilla. Consejería de Bienestar Social y Sanidad)
Serrano, María del Carmen (Extremadura. Servicio Extremeño de Salud)
Mauro Ramos, Julián (Extremadura. Servicio Extremeño de Salud)
Larrauri, Amparo (Instituto de Salud Carlos III)

Data: 2013
Resum: Background: In Spain, the influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) was estimated in the last three seasons using the observational study cycEVA conducted in the frame of the existing Spanish Influenza Sentinel Surveillance System. The objective of the study was to estimate influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) against medically attended, laboratory-confirmed influenza-like illness (ILI) among the target groups for vaccination in Spain in the 2011-2012 season. We also studied influenza VE in the early (weeks 52/2011-7/2012) and late (weeks 8-14/2012) phases of the epidemic and according to time since vaccination. Methods: Medically attended patients with ILI were systematically swabbed to collect information on exposure, laboratory outcome and confounding factors. Patients belonging to target groups for vaccination and who were swabbed <8 days after symptom onset were included. Cases tested positive for influenza and controls tested negative for any influenza virus. To examine the effect of a late season, analyses were performed according to the phase of the season and according to the time between vaccination and symptoms onset. Results: The overall adjusted influenza VE against A(H3N2) was 45% (95% CI, 0-69). The estimated influenza VE was 52% (95% CI, -3 to 78), 40% (95% CI, -40 to 74) and 22% (95% CI, -135 to 74) at 3. 5 months, 3. 5-4 months, and >4 months, respectively, since vaccination. A decrease in VE with time since vaccination was only observed in individuals aged ≥ 65 years. Regarding the phase of the season, decreasing point estimates were only observed in the early phase, whereas very low or null estimates were obtained in the late phase for the shortest time interval. Conclusions: The 2011-2012 influenza vaccine showed a low-to-moderate protective effect against medically attended, laboratory-confirmed influenza in the target groups for vaccination, in a late season and with a limited match between the vaccine and circulating strains. The suggested decrease in influenza VE with time since vaccination was mostly observed in the elderly population. The decreasing protective effect of the vaccine in the late part of the season could be related to waning vaccine protection because no viral changes were identified throughout the season.
Drets: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Article ; Versió publicada
Matèria: Influenza ; Vaccine effectiveness ; Case-control studies ; Sentinel networks ; Discordant strain ; Waning immunity
Publicat a: BMC Infectious diseases, Vol. 13, N. 441 (September 2013) , p. 1-12, ISSN 1471-2334

DOI: 10.1186/1471-2334-13-441
PMID: 24053661

12 p, 927.9 KB

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