Studies on the characterization of dental whitening process by using both hyperspectral imaging and colorimeter techniques
Cruzalta Diaz, Klayna Elvira
Valiente Malmagro, Manuel
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Química
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències

Data: 2013
Descripció: 122 p.
Resum: A beautiful smile is directly related with white teeth. Nowadays oral care has increased and developed processes for beautiful smiles. Dental bleaching is frequently used in odontology, not just for health care also for aesthetic treatment. With the possibility of teeth bleaching, now the importance is in, how white the tooth is? Because color is relate to an individual perception. In order to assets teeth correct color identification has been developed many color guides, models, spaces and analytical methods. Spite all of these useful tools the color interpretation depends on environmental factors, position of the sample in the data acquisition and most importantly the instrument sensitivity. The commons methods have proved to be useful. They are easy to handle, some are portable but they do not have a high sensitivity. The present work is based on the integration of a new analytical technique for color acquisition. High spectral Image (HSI) is able to performed image analysis with high quality and efficiency. HSI is used in many fields and we used it for color image analysis within the bleaching process. The main comparison was done with the HSI and the colorimeter through the processes of two different bleaching protocols. The results showed that HSI has higher sensitivity than the colorimeter. During the analysis the dental surface with the HSI we were able to notice surface changes. These changes were analyzed by roughness studies.
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Llengua: Anglès
Col·lecció: Facultat de Ciències. Treballs de màster i postgrau. Màster en Experimentació Química
Document: Treball de fi de postgrau
Matèria: Dents ; Emblanquiment

122 p, 3.0 MB

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