Populating virtual cities with diverse physiology driven crowds of intelligent agents
Trescak, Tomas (University of Western Sydney. School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics)
Bogdanovych, Anton (University of Western Sydney. School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics)
Simoff, Simeon (University of Western Sydney. School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics)

Data: 2014
Resum: When conducting archaeological excavations of ancient cities, 3D reconstruction has become an important mechanism of documenting the findings and showing the results to general public in an accessible way. Most such reconstructions, however, mainly focus on visualising buildings and artefacts, while rarely simulating the actual people that populated the reconstructed city and aspects of their everyday life. Simulating such people and their lives in all their diversity is a costly and time-consuming exercise comparable in cost and efforts to development of a commercial video game, involving years of development and millions of dollars in funding. In this paper we present a novel approach that can significantly decrease the cost and effort required for simulating everyday life of ancient inhabitants of virtual cities, while still capturing enough detail to be useful in historical simulations. We show how it is possible to manually design a small number of individual avatars and then automatically generate a substantially large crowd of virtual agents, which will live their lives in the simulated city, perform choirs and rituals as well as other routine activities that are consistent with their social status. The key novelty of our approach that enables simulating such sophisticated crowds is the combination of physiological needs - for generating agent goals, emotions and personality - for choosing how to fulfil each goal and genetically informed propagation of appearance and personality traits - to propagate aspects of appearance and behaviour from a small sample of manually designed individuals to large agent groups of a desired size. The usefulness of our approach is demonstrated by applying it to simulating everyday life in the ancient city of Uruk, 3000 B. C. 1.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Comunicació de congrés
Matèria: Archaeological excavations ; Intelligent agents ; Computational social science ; Social simulation
Publicat a: Social Simulation Conference. Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallés, 1a : 2014

Podeu consultar la compilació de les ponències presentades a Social Simulation Conference a: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/125597

12 p, 5.5 MB

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