Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) and web-based social networks (WBSN)
Roig, Antoni (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Institut de Dret i Tecnologia)

Publicación: Barcelona Huygens 2010
Resumen: The technological threatens to the right of privacy are not only limited to databases. WBSN and pervasive computer, for instance, are two clear examples of other privacy risks. WBSN have an economic value, and more and more tools focus on WBSN users' personal information. On the contrary, WBSN privacy is only a new research area. Internet communities are trust-based systems. Therefore, they need a privacy-respecting reputation system. Transparency tools should also allow individuals to check at any desired moment what personal data has been given to the data systems, and be able to alter or delete it. IT researchers usually consider privacy as a quantifiable attribute that can be negotiated and possibly exchanged by individuals in return for certain benefits. On the contrary, PET are necessary in WBSN. Thus, they cannot simply be individual options. Human rights, as public policies, should be preserved in the design of IT tools.
Derechos: Tots els drets reservats.
Lengua: Anglès
Colección: IDT series ; 6
Documento: Capítol de llibre
Materia: Web-based social networks ; Privacy enhancing technologies ; Privacy ; Privacy-respecting reputation system ; Social network analysis ; Semantic web
Publicado en: 1st Workshop on privacy and protection in web-based social networks, 2010, p. 9-18

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