Normal forms, stability and splitting of invariant manifolds I. Gevrey Hamiltonians
Bounemoura, Abed
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

Publicació: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica 2012
Descripció: 31 p.
Resum: In this paper, we give a new construction of resonant normal forms with a small remainder for near-integrable Hamiltonians at a quasi-periodic frequency. The construction is based on the special case of a periodic frequency, a Diophantine result concerning the approximation of a vector by independent periodic vectors and a technique of composition of periodic averaging. It enables us to deal with non-analytic Hamiltonians, and in this first part we will focus on Gevrey Hamiltonians and derive normal forms with an exponentially small remainder. This extends a result which was known for analytic Hamiltonians, and only in the periodic case for Gevrey Hamiltonians. As applications, we obtain an exponentially large upper bound on the stability time for the evolution of the action variables and an exponentially small upper bound on the splitting of invariant manifolds for hyperbolic tori, generalizing corresponding results for analytic Hamiltonians.
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Llengua: Anglès
Col·lecció: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. Prepublicacions
Col·lecció: Prepublicacions del Centre de Recerca Matemàtica ; 1132
Document: Article ; Prepublicació ; Versió de l'autor
Matèria: Formes (Matemàtica) ; Varietats (Matemàtica) ; Hamilton, Sistemes de ; Estabilitat

31 p, 290.6 KB

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