Tècniques Observacionals [42866]
Ribas Canudas, Ignasi
Colome Ferrer, Josep
Girart Medina, Josep Miquel
Hernanz, Margarita
Castander, Francisco Javier
Sopuerta, Carlos F.
Perger, Manuel
Busquet, Gemma
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències

Data: 2017-18
Resum: The objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the various techniques for observations as used in Astronomy. The student will be required to comprehend basic concepts, nomenclature and unit systems that are commonly employed in astronomical work. Detection techniques and instrumentation will be described as a function of wavelength, including the entire particle and electromagnetic spectrum: neutrino astronomy, gravitational waves, high-energy (gamma-rays and X-rays), UV-optical, near infrared and radio astronomy. For all these regimes, which use different methodologies, data reduction and analysis techniques will be covered. The final goal is that the student acquires sufficient basic knowledge to be able to plan, execute and analyze observations in all branches of Astronomy thus enabling him/her to perform scientific research.
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Llengua: Anglès
Titulació: Física d'Altes Energies, Astrofísica i Cosmologia / High Energy Physics [4313861]
Pla d'estudis: Màster Universitari en Física d'Altes Energies, Astrofísica i Cosmologia / High Energy Physics, Ast [1359]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

4 p, 74.1 KB

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Materials acadèmics > Guies docents

 Registre creat el 2017-09-15, darrera modificació el 2024-09-15

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