The designing of anti-diphtheria serotherapy at the Institut Pasteur (1888-1900) : the role of a supranational network of microbiologists
Gachelin, Gabriel

Fecha: 2007
Resumen: The development of anti-diphtheria serotherapy at the Institut Pasteur immediately follows the crisis known as the Pasteur-Koch debate. Research on diphtheria in Paris is indicative of the importance granted by Pasteurian scientists to Koch's school criticisms. After 1887, relations between French and German bacteriologists become more relaxed. A scientific and social network develops between them. It later extends to other fields of research at the Institut Pasteur, particularly therapeutic chemistry. The evolution of Franco-German relations at the Institut Pasteur is placed in the general framework of the way French universities considered German science.
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Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Materia: Difteria ; Seroterapia ; Relacions franco-alemanyes ; Xarxa científica ; Relaciones franco-alemanas ; Red científica ; Roux ; Von Behring ; Diphtheria ; Serotherapy ; Franco-German relations ; Scientific network
Publicado en: Dynamis : Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque. Historiam Illustrandam, V. 27 (2007) p. 45-62, ISSN 2340-7948

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18 p, 142.5 KB

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