In Search of an " Authentic " women's medicine : the strange fates of Trota of Salerno and Hildegard of Bingen
Green, Monica H.

Fecha: 1999
Resumen: Despite centuries of debate about the medieval medical writers Trota and Hildegard, there still remain widely disparate views of them in both popular and scholarly discourses. Their alternate dismissal or romanticization is not due to a simple contest between antifeminist and feminist tendencies. Rather, issues of gender have intersected in varying ways with other agendas (intellectual, nationalist, etc. ). Recent philological researches have helped not only to clarify why these earlier interpretations were created in the first place, but also to raise our understanding of these women and their work to a new, higher level.
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Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Publicado en: Dynamis : Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque. Historiam Illustrandam, V. 19 (1999) p. 25-54, ISSN 2340-7948

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30 p, 840.2 KB

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