La variación léxico-sintáctica en la fraseología : la introducción del atributo en la estructura de la locución idiomática
Dobrovol'skij, Dmitrij (Academia de Ciencias de Rusia)

Date: 2009
Abstract: The article studies lexical attributive variation of idioms (introduction of an adjective), and claims that two conditions should be fulfilled to modify idioms within standards: the condition of "semantic division" and of "semantic compatibility". The latter, in turn, involves two more or less independent requirements: the semantic compatibility must be inserted into the conceptual idea of an idiom, and must be satisfied at the level of image. If the adjective contradicts the meaning of the phrase, the result violates the rules of use. Therefore, the rules for attributive modification depend on the idiom itself as well as on the modifier. As both conditions are semantic in nature, it suggests that the syntactic behaviour of the idiom depends on its semantics.
Rights: Tots els drets reservats.
Language: Castellà
Document: Ressenya ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Adjectiu ; Idiomes ; Modificació ; Comptabilitat ; Semàntica ; Adjective ; Idioms ; Modification ; Compatibility ; Semantics
Published in: Language design : journal of theoretical and experimental linguistics, Vol. 11, Núm. (2009) , p. 29-65, ISSN 1139-4218

37 p, 318.5 KB

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Articles > Published articles > Language design
Articles > Research articles
Articles > Reviews

 Record created 2010-03-10, last modified 2024-05-15

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