Scopus: 148 citations, Google Scholar: citations,
Sustainability Learning in Natural Resource Use and Management
Tàbara, J. David 1964- , (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Geografia)
Pahl-Wostl, Claudia (University of Osnabrück)

Date: 2007
Abstract: We contribute to the normative discussion on sustainability learning and provide a theoretical integrative framework intended to underlie the main components and interrelations of what learning is required for social learning to become sustainability learning. We demonstrate how this framework has been operationalized in a participatory modeling interface to support processes of natural resource integrated assessment and management. The key modeling components of our view are: structure (S), energy and resources (E), information and knowledge (I), social-ecological change (C), and the size, thresholds, and connections of different social-ecological systems. Our approach attempts to overcome many of the cultural dualisms that exist in the way social and ecological systems are perceived and affect many of the most common definitions of sustainability. Our approach also emphasizes the issue of limits within a total socialecological system and takes a multiscale, agent-based perspective. Sustainability learning is different from social learning insofar as not all of the outcomes of social learning processes necessarily improve what we consider as essential for the long-term sustainability of social-ecological systems, namely, the co-adaptive systemic capacity of agents to anticipate and deal with the unintended, undesired, and irreversible negative effects of development. Hence, the main difference of sustainability learning from social learning is the content of what is learned and the criteria used to assess such content; these are necessarily related to increasing the capacity of agents to manage, in an integrative and organic way, the total social-ecological system of which they form a part. The concept of sustainability learning and the SEIC social-ecological framework can be useful to assess and communicate the effectiveness of multiple agents to halt or reverse the destructive trends affecting the life-support systems upon which all humans depend.
Abstract: Synthesis, part of a Special Feature on Social Learning in Water Resources Management.
Note: Premi a l'excel·lència investigadora. Àmbit de les Ciències Socials. 2008
Rights: Tots els drets reservats.
Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: PREI2008 ; Modelling social-ecological systems ; Social learning ; Sustainability
Published in: Ecology and society, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2007) , p. 1-15, ISSN 1708-3087

DOI: 10.5751/ES-02063-120203

15 p, 161.2 KB

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Articles > Research articles
Articles > Published articles

 Record created 2011-02-14, last modified 2022-09-06

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