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Extensional stresses in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera fold-and-thrust belt (northern Andes): insights from 2D finite element modeling
Islam, Rafiqul (Simulation Tectonics Laboratory)
Hayashi, Daigoro (Simulation Tectonics Laboratory)

Fecha: 2009
Resumen: Deformation and stress characteristics in the upper crust of the fold-and-thrust belt in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera were investigated by numerical analysis. The structural trend of Colombian Eastern Cordillera has long been considered a possible example of a true contraction orogen. The issue of the convergent displacement along an elastic structural body, which controls present-day deformation in this Cordillera is examined here. Modeling results are presented in terms of three parameters: 1) distributions, orientations, and magnitudes of principal stresses; 2) maximum shear stress (_max) contour; and 3) proximity to failure of elements within faults. Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria with bulk rock properties are applied to analyze the faults. The model shows extensional stresses in the crust at shallow crustal levels (from surface to about 6 km) despite overall contraction, and contraction at depth is confirmed. Measurement results indicate that, for homogeneous crustal thickening, extensional stresses are concentrated in the Servita half-gaben and Bucaramanga fault systems, where the vertical thrust faults and thickening processes are located. Our two-dimensional (2D) modeling results emphasize that extensional stresses are still active along the vertical to sub-vertical fault system in the fold-and-thrust belt of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera.
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Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Materia: Finite element (FE) modeling ; Elastic rock properties ; Convergent displacement ; Extensional stress field ; Colombian Eastern Cordillera
Publicado en: Geologica acta, Vol. 7, Núm. 3 (Setembre 2009) , p. 333-350, ISSN 1696-5728

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DOI: 10.1344/105.000001441

18 p, 2.4 MB

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Artículos > Artículos publicados > Geologica acta
Artículos > Artículos de investigación

 Registro creado el 2012-01-25, última modificación el 2024-06-01

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