An alternative analysis of variance
Longford, Nicholas T. (SNTL, Reading, United Kingdom)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Fecha: 2008
Resumen: The one-way analysis of variance is a staple of elementary statistics courses. The hypothesis test of homogeneity of the means encourages the use of the selected-model based estimators which are usually assessed without any regard for the uncertainty about the outcome of the test. We expose the weaknesses of such estimators when the uncertainty is taken into account, as it should be, and propose synthetic estimators as an alternative.
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Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Materia: Mean squared error ; Model selection ; Shrinkage estimation ; Synthetic estimation
Publicado en: SORT : statistics and operations research transactions, Vol. 32, Núm. 1 (January-June 2008) , p. 77-92, ISSN 2013-8830

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16 p, 135.0 KB

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