Resultats globals: 7 registres trobats en 0.03 segons.
Articles, 7 registres trobats
Articles 7 registres trobats  
32 p, 2.7 MB St Anne, a woman of substance : tracing the cult of St Anne in the Kingdom of Valencia / Twomey, Lesley K. (Northumbria University (Regne Unit))
This study examines the incipient cult of St Anne in Valencia during the fifteenth century, using evidence such as census data to show growing interest in the saint and her cult. From a close study of Isabel de Villena's Vita Christi and Joan Roís de Corella's Vida de santa Anna [Life of St Anne], this essay advances the hypothesis that the cult of St Anne in the kingdom centred on St Anne's intervention for wives unable to conceive rather than on her role as a teacher of the Virgin as in other parts of Europe. [...]
Este estudio examina el culto incipiente de santa Anna en la Valencia del siglo XV a través del análisis de algunas evidencias como la onomástica (de los censos y otras fuentes documentales) del Reino para demostrar el creciente interés por la santa y su culto. [...]

2017 - 10.5565/rev/studiaaurea.256
Studia aurea : revista de literatura española y teoría literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, Vol. 11 (2017) , p. 205-236 (L'hagiografia en el llindar de la Modernitat)  
22 p, 2.1 MB De la vida de sant Onofre valenciana i anònima, de principis del XVI, a la recreació d'Onofre Salt (Barcelona, 1620) / Escartí, Vicent Josep (Universitat de València)
La devoció en terres de parla catalana a l'anacoreta sant Onofre es troba bastant difosa i compta amb nombrosos testimonis. Entre els literaris, en destaquen dos. Un, en català, publicat a principis del segle XVI, a València -anònim i amb clares evidències de ser un treball que recull textos elaborats en estadis anteriors-, i l'altre publicat a Barcelona -malgrat que obra del valencià Onofre Salt-, del 1620, i en castellà. [...]
The devotion to the anchorite Saint Onophrius in Catalan-speaking lands is quite widespread and has numerous witnesses. Among the literary ones, two stand out. One in Catalan, which is anonymous and was published in Valencia at the beginning of the sixteenth century with clear evidence of being a work that includes texts elaborated in previous stages, and another published in 1620 in Barcelona in Spanish despite being a work of the Valencian Onofre Salt. [...]

2017 - 10.5565/rev/studiaaurea.250
Studia aurea : revista de literatura española y teoría literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, Vol. 11 (2017) , p. 297-318 (L'hagiografia en el llindar de la Modernitat)  
14 p, 393.0 KB Un'aggiunta al Maestro di Castelsardo : il frammento di predella con "San Francesco rinuncia ai beni terreni": Lettura preliminare e restauro / Salis, Mauro (Università di Cagliari)
Di recente è apparso nel mercato antiquario un dipinto su tavola inequivocabilmente ascrivibile al Maestro di Castelsardo, anonimo artista di formazione tardogotica attivo nei territori della Corona d'Aragona tra la fine del XV e gli inizi del XVI secolo e autore di retabli pittorici per la Sardegna, la Corsica e Barcelona. [...]
A painting on wood unequivocally attributable to the Master of Castelsardo recently appeared on the antiques market. This anonymous, Late Gothic-trained artist, who painted altarpieces for Sardinia, Corsica and Barcelona, was active in the territories of the Crown of Aragon between the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century. [...]

2016 - 10.5565/rev/locus.275
Locus amoenus, Núm. 14 (2016) , p. 49-61 (Articles)  
30 p, 2.5 MB Un «Re di fiori» per Nerone : modelli desunti dalle stampe nelle botteghe sardo-catalane (1488-1518) / Pusceddu, Enrico (Universitat de Barcelona. Departament d'Història de l'Art)
In epoca tardomedievale un modello artistico, inteso come immagine o forma esemplare da imitare e riprodurre, nasceva grazie all'azione innovatrice degli artisti capaci di trasferire in immagini i linguaggi, le suggestioni, i racconti generati dalle esigenze comunicative del proprio sostrato sociale e culturale. [...]
The artistic model, as an image or exemplary form to be imitated or reproduced, came into being in the late medieval period as the result of the work of innovative artists capable of transforming into visual images the speech, suggestions and stories arising from the communication needs of their social and cultural substratum. [...]

2016 - 10.5565/rev/locus.277
Locus amoenus, Núm. 14 (2016) , p. 19-47 (Articles)  
25 p, 1.1 MB La introducción del Humanismo en la Península Ibérica / Butiña Jiménez, Julia (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Espanya))
Exposición resumida de la recepción del movimiento humanista en la Península Ibérica, el cual se introduce por la Corona de Aragón. Aparte de unos conceptos previos acerca de su aparición, caracterización y proceso, y de otros finales sobre la situación crítica actual, el tema se centra en la principal producción de carácter humanístico en lengua catalana, destacando a Bernat Metge por su preeminencia y por ser receptor del primerísimo impacto.
Summary statement of the reception of Humanist movement in the Iberian Peninsula, which is introduced by the Crown of Aragon. Apart from a few preconceptions about their appearance, characterization, proccess, and current critical situation, the theme focuses on the main production of Humanistic character in Catalan, highlighting Bernat Metge by its prominence and be receiver the very first impact.

Mirabilia, Núm. 21 (Jun-Dez 2015) , p. 197-221 (Thematic number)  
23 p, 492.9 KB As emoções nas ruas barcelonesas do século XV / Brochado, Cláudia Costa
Nos relações estabelecidas pelos cidadãos de Barcelona do século XV as emoções se manifestam de maneira turbulenta , principalmente no que se refere aos vínculos afetivos. Dessas relações e de seus conflitos derivam processos judiciais que trazem em seu texto, principalmente nos depoimentos, a expressão latente das emoções dos envolvidos. [...]
The relationships between the citizens of fifteenth century Barcelona were often turbulent, especially between couples. The conflicts that occurred sometimes resulted in legal proceedings. The statements submitted for these cases were a visible expression of the emotions and conflicts involved. [...]

Mirabilia, Núm. 15 (2012) , p. 5-27  
41 p, 4.6 MB La pintura de la primera meitat del segle XVI al Museu Episcopal de Vic / Cornudella i Carré, Rafael (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Art i de Musicologia)
L'article conté diversos estudis sobre obres pictòriques de la primera meitat del segle XVI conservades al Museu Episcopal de Vic. En primer lloc, s'atribueix a Jean Bourdichon un pergamí il·luminat amb una Mare de Déu, que va ser adquirit l'any 1920 per al Museu, on va ser catalogat com a anònim. [...]
This article contains several studies about paintings of the first half of the Sixteenth Century in the Museu Episcopal de Vic (near Barcelona). Firstly, it is attributed to the french painter Jean Bourdichon a little illuminated parchment with an image of the Virgin, that was acquired by the museum in 1920 and catalogated as anonymous. [...]

2002 - 10.5565/rev/locus.126
Locus amoenus, N. 6 (2002) , p. 145-185  

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