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Artículos, Encontrados 1 registros
Artículos Encontrados 1 registros  
28 p, 1.1 MB Condition measures and properties of the central trajectory of a linear program / Nunez, Manuel A. (Chapman University (Orange, Estats Units d'Amèrica). School of Business and Economics) ; Freund, Robert M. (Sloan School of Management)
Given a data instance d = (A, b, c) of a linear program, we show that certain properties of solutions along the central trajectory of the linear program are inherently related to the condition number C(d) of the data instance d = (A, b, c), where C(d) is a scale-invariant reciprocal of a closely-related measure (rho)(d) called the "distance to ill-posedness". [...]
Mathematical Programming, vol. 83 n. 1 (1998) p. 1-28  
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