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Artículos, Encontrados 1 registros
Artículos Encontrados 1 registros  
12 p, 503.5 KB Ba al dauka mugarik matematikak biologian aplikagarria izateko? / Umerez, Jon (Universidad del País Vasco)
Ezezkoa dirudi izenburuko galderari eman behar zaion erantzuna, gutxienez iraultza zientifikoa geroztik, Natura hizkuntza matematikoan idatzita dagoen liburu bat omen denetik. Ikuspegi hori aurrera egingo du eta XX. [...]
The answer to the title questions appears to be in the negative, at least since the scientific revolution when nature began to be seen as a book written in the language of mathematics. This approach is going to develop further and, by the xxth century, brings forward what I will call a cheerful amazement as exemplified in Wigner 1960 and others. [...]

Ontology studies, Núm. 10 (2010) , p. 77-88  

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