Resultats globals: 26 registres trobats en 0.02 segons.
Documents de recerca, 26 registres trobats
Documents de recerca 26 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre:
31 p, 2.9 MB Deliverable D4.3 Communication actions compendium / WaterInnEU
This deliverable gathers the communication actions carried out throughout the project in order to disseminate the different main milestones and outcomes. It includes the communication materials developed, the conferences and seminaries attended by WaterInnEU partners and other important activities carried out through the webpage, the platform, the stakeholders meetings, the e-pitching events, the surveys or different communication channels.
19 p, 1.1 MB Deliverable D6.4 Marketplace sustainability concept / WaterInnEU
A detailed description of the functionalities is given in WaterInnEU Final Virtual Marketplace Report (D6. 2). The general exploitation plan for WaterInnEU including the additional services, e. g. [...]
14 p, 1022.6 KB Deliverable D4.5 Report on uptake of water-related innovations by end-users / WaterInnEU
This report compiles the activities carried out in WP4 for catalysing the marketplace, matchmaking the different innovations with the people who need them.
55 p, 5.5 MB Deliverable D4.2 Project integration: brokering of supply chain opportunities and provision of support services to interested parties / WaterInnEU
This deliverable describes the work carried out in Task 4. 1 Brokering of supply chain opportunities and Task 4. 2 Provision of support services to interested parties, and therefore the integration of the marketplace actors in the supply chain through the provision of support services to the participants.
50 p, 997.0 KB Deliverable D7.4 Collection of ideas and innovations / WaterInnEU
This deliverable describes the results of the "youth competitions: ideas and innovations for the water sector". It was decided by the consortium to orient the competition on products selected by the consortium through a process of screening the EU funded innovation solutions relevant to water basin management to be promoted dy the WaterinnEU project. [...]
10 p, 600.5 KB D7.2 Tutorials and multimedia products / WaterInnEU
This deliverable includes the final tutorial and multimedia material concerning a series of products selected by the consortium through a process of screening the EU funded innovative solutions relevant to water basin management to be promoted by the WaterInnEU project. [...]
3 documents
12 p, 2.4 MB Deliverable D 7.3 E-learning platform / WaterInnEU
This deliverable describes the way the e-learning platform was structured and developed. This deliverable in then constituted by this report and by the e-learning platform software.
16 p, 1018.0 KB D5.4 Interoperability recommendations report / WaterInnEU
This deliverable is based on the results of the Interoperability Experiment and provides a list of practical recommendations to increase interoperability at different levels for tools and policy briefs.
23 p, 1.4 MB D8.1 Maritsa virtual marketplace experiment report / WaterInnEU
This report explains the experiences of the marketplace implementation and corresponding test, the tutorials, meetings, etc. , focused on the specifications and adaptations of Maritza river basin.
32 p, 3.1 MB D5.3 European funded activities interoperability public engineering report / WaterInnEU
This deliverable explains the WaterInnEU approach to standardization and interoperability issues in the water domain and it exposes the proposal solution for integrating data from different heterogeneous sources into a centralized hydrological model execution. [...]

Documents de recerca : 26 registres trobats   1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre:
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