2017-04-04 14:57 |
2017-04-04 14:54 |
2017-03-31 16:36 |
2017-03-24 17:11 |
1 p, 298.9 KB |
The current panorama of European Network of Earth Observation Networks and the need for an European Network of Networks - ENEON
Serral Montoro, Ivette (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ;
Maso, Joan (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ;
Mcallum, Ian ;
Plag, Hans-Peter
ENEON is the European Network of Earth Observation Networks, funded by the European Union under the H2020. ConnectinGEO project mainly including non-space networks to better coordinate them, with the aim of providing better observations for resolving interdisciplinary problems, to improve the European in-situ participation in GEO and in support of the implementation and monitoring of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
10th GEO European Projects Workshop. Berlin, Germany, : 2016
2017-03-24 16:40 |
1 p, 913.8 KB |
ConnectinGEO SDGs-EVs analysis
Serral Montoro, Ivette (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ;
Maso, Joan (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals)
ConnectinGEO is a Coordinate and Support Action of the Horizon2020 program aiming to link existing Earth Observation networks with science, private sector and with GEOSS and Copernicus stakeholders. Main objectives are to enable ENEON and to provide the EC with a gap analysis among existing EO networks prioritizing the Sustainable Development Goals and the Essential Variables. Results on the linking of SDGs with EVs.
GEO-XIII Plenary. St. Petersburg, : 2016
2017-03-24 16:37 |
2017-03-24 16:31 |
2017-03-24 16:24 |
2017-03-24 12:52 |
2017-03-24 12:47 |
1 p, 36.3 KB |
Towards the creation of a European Network of Earth Observation Networks within GEO. The ConnectinGEO project
Maso, Joan (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ;
Serral Montero, Ivette (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ;
Menard, Lionel
ConnectinGEO (Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations " is a new H2020 Coordination and Support Action with the primary goal of linking existing Earth Observation networks with science and technology (S&T) communities, the industry sector, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), and Copernicus. [...]
European Geosciences Union General Assembly (April 2015, Vienne, Austria), Vol. 17 : 2015