Miquel Tomàs Ondiviela

Personal archive of Miquel Tomàs Ondiviela (1936-2011), a Catalan physicist trained in Barcelona and Paris, who worked at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) between 1964 and 1967, in the High Energy Experimental Group of the Board of Nuclear Energy (JEN), in Madrid, between 1967 and 1971, and at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona until 1975, when he joined the private sector. Tomàs was a pioneer in the study of high-energy physics in Spain and promoted the creation of the Computation Center of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, which he directed in its first stage.

The collection has been donated by the Tomàs Guarch family with the mediation of the Servei d'Arxius de Ciència (Institute of History of Science, UAB). It covers the period 1964-1974 and includes correspondence, administrative documents, handwritten annotations for lectures and applications, and reprints of scientific works. The description of the documents is based on the inventory and catalogue made by the Servei d'Arxius de Ciència. The papers are deposited in the Library of Science and Technology of the UAB.

In the classification and digitalization of the documents with a view to their incorporation into the DDD have collaborated Mireia Bachs and Rosa Pujol (Library of Science and Technology, UAB) and Jordi Sequero and Carlos Acosta (Servei d'Arxius de Ciència and Institute of History of Science, UAB), under the coordination of Xavier Roqué (Institute of History of Science, UAB). Work on the archive has had the support of the Servei d'Arxius de Ciència and of the projects HAR2011-27308 Physics, culture and politics in Spain (Ministry of Science and Innovation) and HAR2014-57776-P Physics in the construction of Europe (Ministry of Education). Economy and Competitiveness).

In this exhibition of the Library of Science and Technology the documents of this fund are related to the Spanish scientific policy in the field of physics during the 50s and 60s.

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L'Araldo della Stampa, (5 de novembre de 1968)  
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Mecanoscrit de Miquel Tomàs Ondiviela "Compte Rendu du Travail au Laboratoire 1963-1964".
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Mecanoscrit. Article de Miquel Tomàs Ondiviela, F. Fernandez, J. Medina, A. Dura, V. Gandia (Laboratoria de Fisica Corpuscular), R. Kaiser, J-P. Massue, R. Pfohl, R. Schmitt, P. Cüer (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire), J. [...]