Home > Personal and institutional archives > Ramón Ortiz Fornaguera |
Personal collection of Ramón Ortiz Fornaguera (1916-1974), a physicist an mathematician trained at the Universitat de Barcelona who worked in the Junta de Energía Nuclear, has been added to the Dipòsit Digital de Documents of the UAB. His professional career is relevant to understand university physics and the development of the nuclear sciences in Franco's Spain. The collection consists of documents kept by Teresa Ortiz, daughter of R. Ortiz. Researchers Pablo Soler, Gonzalo Gimeno and Mercè Xipell contacted the family and scanned and prepared a first catalogue of the collection. The documents include Ortiz's correspondence, as well as documents related to his education and professional career. It also includes most of Ortiz's published works and some manuscripts related to them. Some of these documents have been discussed in Gonzalo Gimeno's PhD dissertation, ‘La matemática de los quanta en España’ (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015). See also Gonzalo Gimeno, Pablo Soler and Mercè Xipell, ‘Descripción del Archivo Ramón Ortiz Fornaguera’, Actes d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica, 6 (2014), 117–28. Besides the above mentioned researchers, we acknowledge the collaboration of Mireia Bachs and Rosa Pujol (Biblioteca de Ciencia y Tecnologia, UAB); Carlos Acosta (Servei d'Arxius de Ciència and Institute of History of Science, UAB); and Miquel Carandell (Institute of History of Science, UAB), coordinated by Xavier Roqué (Institute of History of Science, UAB). This work has also been supporte by the Servei d'Arxius de Ciència and by research project HAR2011-27308 Física, cultura y política en España (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain). |