


  • Map teacher training policies and recommendations on nonviolent conflict transformation education in five European countries and at the supranational level
  • Identify good practices in advocacy targeting educational policy makers on this topic
  • Plan and implement an advocacy strategy


The work started with preparing a state of the art report through researches about experiences in advocating nonviolent and constructive conflict transformation for educators or/and already existing policy in the educational system of each country and at the supranational level.

In a second step these results are being analysed and to synthesised leading to a selection of objectives for the advocacy campaign in each country and at the European level. A first position paper presenting the advocacy strategy will be drafted and adopted.

In a third step, each partner will implement this strategy by communicating with and contacting local and national authorities, special commissions of the European Parliament and Commission and European labour unions for education.

The advocacy strategy and first experiences will be presented at the European meeting. This multiplier event is central to our advocacy strategy: by including key stakeholders in the conversation on a series of concrete topics (curriculum and related policy) we hope to convince them of the importance of conflict transformation in education while at the same time exploring their perspective on it.


  • Research on the state of the art in advocacy: six researches describing the state of the art of policy in conflict transformation in Croatia, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Europe. Each research identifies the most urgent needs in conflict transformation teacher training at the policy level, and possible channels to advocate for conflict transformation teacher training.

Coming soon

  • Definition of the advocacy policy for non-violent conflict transformation education: A position paper is published about the policy priorities at European, state and local levels.


Position paper: Teachers are Key, training teachers in nonviolent conflict transformation English Version






  • Implementation of the advocacy policy for non-violent conflict transformation education: According to the needs and to the advocacy channels identified in the state of the art reports, and to the priorities defined in the advocacy position paper, partners in each country will implement strategies to promote teacher training in nonviolent conflict transformation in their respective regions/countries.


Position paper – Documento di posizione [IT]





Position paper – Nalazi – statovi – preporuke [Croatian]






Position paper – Document de plaidoyer [FR]






Position paper – Strategidokument [Swedish]






Position paper – Documento de posicio [Spanish]