Diabetes Research School

DZD Diabetes Research School in Barcelona November 5 - 9, 2013

80 young scientists have been invited to join the 1st DZD Diabetes Research School. This event organized by the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) is designed to increase their knowledge in key topics in the field of diabetes.

Most important current questions in diabetes
The renowned speakers of the DZD Diabetes Research School will give an introduction to some of the most important current questions in diabetes research. It is a one-day course on November 6, 2013 at the University of Barcelona, Spain, prior to the “XII International Symposium on Insulin Receptors and Insulin Action (IR2013)” that takes place from November 7 to 9, 2013.
All participants of the DZD Diabetes Research School are invited to attend the subsequent symposium and to present their scientific data at the IR 2013 Symposium.

International Speakers:
• Domenico Accili, Columbia University, USA
   The new biology of diabetes
• C. Ronald Kahn, Harvard Medical School, USA
   Insulin resistance at the center of metabolic syndrome
Masato Kasuga, Diabetes Research Center, Japan
   Diabetes research-past, present and future
• Emmanuel Van Obberghen, University of Nice, France
   Micro RNAs as new player in diabetes and its epigenomics
• Morris White, Boston Children's Hospital, USA
   Insulin action before the internet-and what we do now?

For your application please have ready a CV (pdf) and a letter of motivation (pdf) in English language. Application is now closed. Participation at DZD Diabetes Research School and IR2013 Symposium as well as accommodation Nov 5-9 at Hotel Taber is free for the chosen applicants to the DZD Diabetes School. Rooms are pre-booked by the DZD.

Join in addition the International Symposium on Insulin Receptors and Insulin Action

The XIIth International Symposium on Insulin Receptors and Insulin Action (IR2013) will address various key topics related to “New opportunities for the prevention and treatment of Diabetes in the XXI century”.
The symposium, held every 3 years since 1980, is organized by Fatima Bosch and will be held in Barcelona’s famous emblematic Building “La Pedrera”. 300 participants from the entire world will join to listen to about 30 Speakers.

Click here for the IR 2013 symposium's homepage.

Click here to see the symposium's poster.


Facts at a glance

November 5-9, 2013 DZD Diabetes Research School followed by IR2013

Barcelona, Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Casa Convalescènia

PhD Students and Postdocs up to 35 years of age

Free accommodation at  Hotel Taber (Nov. 5 – 9) will be provided and no conference fee for DZD Diabetes School and IR2013 will be charged.

Application information:
Deadline:July 1st, 2013
Link to application form
Upload pdf files up to 1 MB
in English language

Social program: 
Guided tour of Sagrada Familia

Katrin Weber
phone: +49 89 3187 4718



DZD Diabetes School
Nov. 5, 2013
20:00 Registration and Get together

Nov. 6, 2013
09:00 – 16:00 Scientific program    
16:15 – 18:00 Sagrada Familia

Symposium IR2013
Nov. 7 - 9, 2013
Conference at La Pedrera


September - 2013
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Montag, 23. September 2013
00:00 - EASD
49. Jahrestagung European Association for the Study of Diabetes
00:00 - EASD
49. Annual Meeting European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Dienstag, 24. September 2013
00:00 - EASD
49. Jahrestagung European Association for the Study of Diabetes
00:00 - EASD
49. Annual Meeting European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Mittwoch, 25. September 2013
00:00 - EASD
49. Annual Meeting European Association for the Study of Diabetes
00:00 - EASD
49. Jahrestagung European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Donnerstag, 26. September 2013
00:00 - EASD
49. Annual Meeting European Association for the Study of Diabetes
00:00 - EASD
49. Jahrestagung European Association for the Study of Diabetes
Freitag, 27. September 2013
00:00 - EASD
49. Jahrestagung European Association for the Study of Diabetes
00:00 - EASD
49. Annual Meeting European Association for the Study of Diabetes